There is no God - Que?

^EVERY church.


haha this is true, ok then w/e you win bennyjizzer

i just believe radical muslims dont really fit in with the normal muslims and should be noted that people who stap bombs to their chests, have undergone some seriously propaganda / brainwashing / physical / mental abuse and all that… or at least some of that

id ont know anymore

and i dont care

church blows bye

The first girl I thought of was that sarah girl…but i hope its someone else…name

I know alot. thanks

wat? so u know alot of muslims aka terrorists who strap bombs to them selves

i think its time to consider changing the crowd of who you hang out with jason lollllllll

So how is it that everyone says people that are devout to there religion are always intolerant of everyone else and major hypocrits yet everyone has to try to convince Ilya he is wrong there is no religion. All while he is being open minded and holding a civil conversation?

To add another point to Ilya’s discussions, most of my Father’s side of the family is deeply religious and out of all of them there is not a single divorce, only large happy families. Does anyone else have families like that? I personally don’t know of any other statistics defying families like my own outside of my parents friends through church.

Well, I have read through all the posts and don’t see any instance of the “believers” in the thread shoving beliefs down anyone’s throat.

These guys have made statements that reflect their beliefs, just as others have made statements that they do not believe, or would rather not believe.

In fact more of the posts with negative connotations (i.e. branding one a “religious nut” or prude etc) seem to be from the non-believing side. I don’t see where the “believers” are labeling those who choose not to believe in a negative fashion…

Also, ask yourself this:

If one really has a deep personal relationship with God, Jesus, Allah, or whatever higher being or deity is the object of this person’s worship- and this person feels he/she wants to share i.e. “hey guys this is really great, I am happy because I do/believe in this” or wants to share joy / experiences associated with that, WITHOUT forcing his/her opinion- tell me, HOW is this different from someone posting about his/her love of, say, cycling or _______ (fill in any hobby here) and how awesome it is?

Think about it…

If someone posted “hey boarding is so cool, I went last weekend and it rocked, I’m definitely going to keep going”, almost everyone would be like “yeah man, rock on…” “Yeah, cool…” “I’m down” etc etc etc.

But once someone says “hey people I went to church the other day and the sermon really touched me for ______________ (whatever reason). I think I will go back to church…”, why do responses come out so negative?

Why are people so defensive about this?

Great post, Archie.

Boarding, cars, skiing, hobbies, are WAY different than Religion. Religion is not a hobby it is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that teaches you what they think is right and wrong and what is true and false. NOW, if a skateboarder came up to me and said hey man, join my group of skateboarders, we are morally superior and our lifestyle is the best, all you have to do is follow these commandments and the skateboard god will give you ever lasting life, I would then have a serious problem with said individual or at least their belief.

This forum is mostly based on opinions. We have a right to those opinions and due to the fact that religion is highly subjective due to the fact there is no evidence of God’s existance, there will be no right answer. Just debate after debate. At the end of the day nothing is accomplished but there is nothing wrong discussing it. Also, it is a forum, WITH a thread title, if someone does not like the content, guess what? They can go read another thread.

IMO if someone is getting butthurt by someone else’s post then they HAVE the problem not the poster. Learn that everyone has opinions and some of those opinions will not line up with yours. So don’t take it personally. Just recognize that opinions are what they are.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t take it personal at all, and I don’t think he was complaining about the thread existing, I almost feel like you’re the one taking it personally by trying your very hardest to contradict and oppose everything he just said - which IMO were some extremely valid points.

DING DING DING! Thank you for understanding my point.

Well I went to church this Sunday and now I can honestly cross ofF two thigs on my “to do before I die” list.

Go to Church… Check
Visit a cult… Check

I’m not saying all religions are cults, most resemble them but are not cults, this particular one however struck me as one.

These people don’t associate with anybody outside their church because they “aren’t saved/holy”, already dedicate 6 days a week to God and want to cut down on their job hours to dedicate more and believe that they will be better off than others in heaven.

It was crazy.

Going again next Sunday :lol

russian orthodox ftmfl

So far, this thread has received 194 replies and has been viewed 1,105 times. Now I was wonder something …

If this thread had been titled “There is no Easter Bunny”, would it have received as much attention and have lasted so long?

I seriously doubt it.

Because everyone knows that the Easter Bunny is not real … :wink:

Haha nice

When people start labeling me as a religious nut and ATTACKING my beliefs, that’s when it crosses the line and becomes wrong. I agree, we are entitled to our beliefs. That’s why I don’t tell you to go to church, etc. It’s your choice. But when people start, again, ATTACKING…that’s a whole nother story and I feel bad for the person who finds the need to do that.

no need to knock ya for it ,if that what ya wanna do go for it .i cant speek for others but as long as ya dont get all biblethumperish on me i wont tell my oppinions eiher

Arguing religion is really easy… people are always ready to just change their beliefs