There is no God - Que?

You too!


Typical die-hard Christian, telling people that their choice to not buy into the bullshit = lack of beliefs. I have beliefs, and I believe that it’s all bullshit!

:rofl hahahaha

its getting old… fast… i cant wait because most of the fucking wars are over this religion CSBS

  • 1 while i cant stop laughing sometimes in the pre marital sex thread, i really think you guys need to stop singling the virgin out, i mean hes not the only virgin here, we got another guy who believes god doesnt want him to have sex, then we have pete, who cant get laid

i believe in god, but no bibles or books, no stories, none of that, i believe that no one knows shit, i dont buy all that virgin mary bullshit

holy shit how is this still goin ,if people would live right ,and take chances instead of buyrying your head in the sand you would realize there aint shit out there and move on ,once that is achieved life is great

Ok. lets put it this way. Anyone who tries to make fun or single out anyone who wishes to wait until they are married before that have sex are pretty god damned sad. I give anyone who i has the fortitude to hold up to their beliefs no matter what the popular opinion is, mega mega props. The topic wasn’t “lets make fun of so and so, because he’s holding up to his beliefs” so cut that BS out. 90% of this forum say one thing and do another, and your going to give this guy grief because he is true to himself?

Some people need to seriously look in the mirror.

im not bustin balls i just think that religion is bullshit ,a form of higher power for the week and ones that cant handle reality and need some form of higher power come on

and thats your opinion.

yup. im religious, 100.00000% “aware of reality”, and not morally/emotionally weak at all…

exactly ,i dont rub it all over sayin this is what ya need to do ,if thats what ya want good for you im a realist ,and as long as you or anyone doesnt bore me wit the bible thumper routine ill keep my mouth shut .i just stated what i think

I was told about this thread the other day and figured when I got some time I’d read through it and have a nice discussion. I don’t know what I was thinking…there’s no such thing as a discussion here on Shift. Anyway…there is no god. There is no intelligent design. Every human on Earth is born with no beliefs. The end.

wat? lol

wow. way to criticize something then add to the problem !

makes me wonder why any of you fucks bother posting anything at all? To feel all mighty?

wow, God or not, one of the benefits to people believing in God is that, they in turn are more likely to believe in the artform of personal responsability…and to find hope when needed. I think there is a definate link … less believers results in more chaos… ever so slightly, growing over time. The fear of God helped keep some of the population in check… as that fear fades over the generations, a civil soceity will tend toward less civility.

and also that certain corner at Glen :ninja

the fear of god also results in people feeling like they have to give something to have god accept them…such as strapping a fucking bomb to your torso and walking into a crowded subway station. stupid people are stupid no matter what they believe in.

leaving out the whole brainwashed thing

when u see a muslim who wasnt brainwashed go and do that let me know

what difference does that make? they still think they’re doing it so god accepts them or w/e.

if they didn’t believe in god, they couldnt use that as a reason.

nah when ur brainwashed its not really your choice, so ifsomeone is telling u its because of god or its because of the tellitubbies wtf are u gonna do when your brainwashed? believe it…

define brainwashed…because i could walk into damn near every church in the US and show you at least one person i which would classify as brainwashed. shit i might even find a whole church full of them :rofl