theres ricers, muscle cars, diyer's but we all have the same passion lets preserve it

There is so much misinformation in this post, however, you might want to look at the battery pack and how much it costs, because your not even close. There are Prius out there with over 300k on them that haven’t needed batteries. I haven’t sold Toyotas in about 4 years, they were hot back then and still are, just because a camaro driver doesn’t like them doesn’t mean no one does. If you all about “facts” then why don’t you post some, lets see prius sales numbers compared to the TDI, or the Honda Hybrids. Once again, just because YOU don’t want one doesn’t mean that there isn’t a demand for them. I’m telling you facts and numbers, your just making stuff up to prove your point when you don’t know anything about the car.

Your a jackass, 100k miles for a battery? The cars haven been out for 10 years and you wont find anyone who has replaced a battery due to wear. Dont you think in 10 years people have gone well over 100k? Kinderhook Toyota has a customer with over 300k on the original Hybrid parts. And Im not the Toyota salesman of the year, I havent sold cars in about 4 years. Im just stating what “I” know about the car, i dont need to post articles from nobodies to prove a point, i could find just as many articles lying about good things for the Prius as you did bad.

talk about misinformation, where did you get 85-90% from? I think thats wrong, if people just wanted a car that did all those things and nothing else then there would be no disparity in vehicles, there is a reason why there are so many different makes and models, because everyone wants something different. You may have worked for toyota, but this makes you biased, your consumers are a different breed then ones that would go to a cadillac dealership so who are you to speak on behalf of all cars?

Walter is the only person in this thread with actual facts to back up his statements, maybe a few of you should listen :ponder

Government isn’t “pushing” anything onto anybody, they are simply encouraging, for better or for worse.

People that still need trucks will always have trucks, but that doesn’t mean that they have to get bad mileage, that can always be improved on, and yes even with the help of a battery.

Hybrid trucks are out there, not reason not to get a few extra “free miles” on every fillup.

I have worked for Toyota, Honda and Dodge, im not saying 85-90% of people want a certain brand, or make. Im saying that most people want a car they can get in, drive to work, and have 0 problems with for a good amount of time. The Camry is the top selling car in this country almost every year because of this, and the Accord is right behind it, they are just Vanilla cars that have a good amount of room, power, MPG and they are reliable. Look at every brands top selling cars, Altima, Camry, Accord, Malibu (guessing), Fusion (becoming a hot car lately). They are just regular cars, people buy them to drive to work, soccer practice, store. Sure there will always be a small market for the Mustangs, Corvettes and stuff like that. Ford and Chavy know that the Mustang, Camaro, Corvette driver is a small market, thats not where they are hurting. They are hurting in the Mid-Size, and compact classes. They are getting raped by almost every foriegn company in those categories. They are the top selling categories so it hurts them the most. IMO american companies definitely have trucks on lockdown. So they definitely have that going for them. 85-90% of people wanting that as not a factual number, its what I have seen working at several dealerships, for several brands. Sorry there was no article on google for me to confirm that number.

That’s not misinformation, think about it.

95% of people only wear clothes just to cover themselves up, but they will still chose a different variety that will suit their tastes over the guy next to them, even if it comes at a bigger price.

There are clothes that cost thousands of dollars out there for a jacket/coat/handbag etc, and yes you financially can afford it, but you never will even think about buying it because you’re part of the 95% out there that will see “no point” in that.

Same applies to cars, and modifying them and paying $300,000 for a Lambo. We can “justify” it, while average person will look at their car and tell you that their civic will get them to the same spot you will with a fraction of the cost.

people buy cars for transportation, but to say they only care to get to point a and b isnt it, why do you own a bike and not a prius? Your only getting groceries and going to soccer practice, right?

Vlad is young, most of the people, that are in the market for new cars are agres 27-28+, usually married with kids, thaink about what they would want, seeing how they are the majority of the time the people buying new cars. Most of you guys complaining, have you ever bought a Brand New car? If you havent its not a problem, and if you say its not worth it, I agree with you, but have you ever bought one? Seeing how thats what we are talking about and all.

honestly who fuckin cares ,the govt is all about goin green . guess what even if all the gas shit shut down now we are still fucked .battery power isnt the next big thing and never will be, there are a rare bread that likes em yes . every person wants a car that doensent give problems who dont ?

i have the wife kids and all ,i wouldnt buy one of those econo box death traps to put my kid in .yes i owned new cars and run old ones they all have problems all of them new or old

i would never buy brand new, like you said its not worth it. I believe our conversation is about the fact that you think the majority of people want a prius simply because you worked for Toyota. Do you think that a salesman from BMW would agree with you, NO? You are biased towards what you know and that is prius, and it sounds like you were a salesman when gas was over 4 dollars, and they were also giving out tax breaks for people with a prius, bot those two dont apply anymore

no, i hear ya man, i dont own a Prius, nor do I want one. I just figured, I know a ton about the vehicle so I could share some info with people who are just making stuff up. I agree with whoever posted about having a 2-3k car as a daily and then something sick as a fun car. I cant have the now being married with kids and shit but if I had it my way I would do it that way lol. I bought My Matrix Brand New, and my XB Brand new, I cant really complain because I have had 0 issues over the last 6years, but car payments do suck, especially for something you just beat on everyday.

IMO diesel fuel is the next big thing, you dont have to sacrafice power and better mpg’s

Well if thats all you got out of what I was saying then im sorry for you because thats not what I said at all. Gas was over 4 dollars last year, I havent sold cars since 2005. I never said the Majority of people want a Prius, I said they want a reliable car, with good MPG. I told you a couple posts ago, I have worked for a few different dealerships, and brands, I am looking at it from my experience.

no ya cant complain as they are yotas they dont die …my daily is a 98 f-150 wit 150k on it and i beat it every day wit zero problems exc for when im drunk and push it hard lololol.but a lot of people are scared of hybrids not really wantin one as they are so complex christ i work on cars all day and i hate em when they come in

lol yeah, theres alot of shit under those tiny hoods

diesel or e-85 would spin it great .but no the govt is pushin zero emmisions and puttin money in a lost cause .instead or workin more wit them they worry about battery cell an shit .its all a bullshit game all in all

yeah avoid the orange wires ,last guy that touched em is now steril:lol

They will never push Diesel IMO, e-85 maybe, I dont see them ever pushing Diesel. Pretty sad. I know i think its Opel? makes a Diesel Hybrid that gets like 80 mpg! lol

diesel or bio .both run good and is cheap as shit to make …the govt like i said is to into all the green hippies and need to be more realistic on what people need and want and not what they wanna see happen