Thermostat issue (home related)

My place has been FREEZING lately even though the heat is set at 73. I finally went out and bought a digital thermometer to put in the same room and I find out that the thermostat is reading 5-10 degrees warmer then it actually is.

Is there something that causes this? It doesn’t seem like the problem is that the thermostat is just in a cold area because the difference between its reading and the actual temp varies so much.

I have a brand new digital touch screen thermostat, as well as a thermometer on my fireplace remote…i can put the 2 of them next to eachother for awhile and they will read different. is the thermostat located near the heat? if so, that one area can get warm fast thus shutting the heat off and not allowing it to run long enough to warm up the house. Thermostats should be placed no where near the heating vents/radiators etc.

if not, invest in a new stat.

Probably time for a new thermostat. When you install it make sure any extra holes in the wall get filled, as well as filling in the hole the wires come through with putty or expanding foam. If you leave any of those holes open the air from inside the walls can throw off the readings.

I’ll recommend this one:

I put that exact model in at my house a couple years ago and installed one in my mom’s house last year. Having it programmed to turn the heat back up 15 minutes before I get out of bed and 15 minutes before I get home is great.

Its not all that close to the vent so i guess its time for a new one. I finally got it up to 72* in here by cranking the thermostat up to 81 :frowning:

Get an energystar one, and write the 25 dollars off on your taxes. I’d love to see what your gas bill is with the temp set at 72 degrees…

I more or less wanted to see what it would take to get up to 72. Expecially since all last winter I had it at “70” and froze my ass off because it was actually around 62

A thermostat should not be on an exterior wall for best results.

I have this one…pricey but worth it.

and i agree, being able to program the heat to come on/go off at any given time, multiple times a day is great…you can get those features for a lot less than the above though…mine was included with a central air system i bought otherwise i wouldnt have spent that much.

You only get the $25 if you have it installed by a certified installer, as part of your new furnace install.

EDIT: Nevermind, they changed it…