things shops tell newbs or unaware people

Me: The brakes on her new car have to be replaced because they seized and are dragging. It’s not normal wear and tear, it should be warranty.
Rep at Mazda NA: They seized because of road salt.
Me: That’s correct. Further, encountering road salt is normal operating conditions in Buffalo.
Rep at Mazda NA: There’s an external environment clause in the warranty.
Me: So driving a car in Buffalo voids the warranty? What kind of car do you recommend, since you’re telling me that Mazda’s shouldn’t be driven in Buffalo?

Maybe seized brakes should be warranty, maybe not. Either way I took the guy in circles. He got so flustered when I repeatedly demonstrated that his argument meant that driving a Mazda in a Buffalo winter voided the warranty.

What a design flaw though, the clearance between the slider pins and sleeves is almost nill. Add a bit of moisture and bingo, siezed.