Things to do in Toronto..?


Like Sushi? Sushi on Bloor. Nuff Said.

You will get more (great) sushi than you can imagine for 1/4 the cash you would pay anywhere else.

Visit the Distillery District and the Mill St Brewery (they also have a restaurant now). Try the Coffee Porter… mmmmmmm

Check out The Drake Hotel. Eat, Drink, Sleep + Shop | Unique & Boutique Hotels | The Drake



oh. didnt know that. and i know about the store in buffalo. i’ve been anticipating this for a while now. it needs to be open already.


I love Sushi, I’ll try to go there one night. That Drake hotel looks amazing, and cheep as hell for what you get. I wish I had seen that before I booked where I’m staying now. It would of only been like $20 more for both nights if I read it right. Maybe I’ll go to dinner there the other night, are prices reasonable for that as well?


It wasn’t that expensive. Also you have to think canadian pricing/exchange rate. That $50 meal would only be about $35 here and include a few beers etc etc.


Oh true, I was thinking USD the whole time.


check out west queen west and little italy. greektown is pretty cool too. definetly buy a day pass/weekend pass for the cable cars. so worth the money.


Thanks for the tip, we’ll have a car up there parked in Municipal parking. That said, one of the girls I’m going with likes riding subways…so this sounds like a great idea. All of these places (greektown, chinatown, little italy, etc) are local to each other?

You’re right Jarad, I’m def not gay, haha. I’ll try to mingle with some people from Toronto, but we’re going with 2 girls anyway.