you fucktard, do you know me? i dont think so, i pay for all my shit. i own a jaguar right now taht i paid every dime for. im pretty danm sure im making much more $$ than you did when you were 18…hell im probly making more than you do now… so before you shoot your mouth off… think before you say somthing.
p.s. thanks for everyone elses thoughts that were some what positive…besides this douche rockets post^^
im sure you make more than me. wanna know why? im in school, ill have a masters in a few years. So, in 10 years from now, im sure the tables will be turned. Besides that, money aint shit…
look into the new z06…which in stock form would own the viper, cheaper and much more vast aftermarket…great looks, more comfortable, and better interior…
not taking away from the viper, its a cool car, but i think after this zo6 is out for a lil longer, mopar is gona have some (alota) catchin up to do…
yea agreed. the only good thing about the viper is the forged motor from factory…and sedlmeier101 dont let things bother you but acting out like an asshole is showing your age pretty good so act mature and dont let the comments bother you. it will just make comments come out even more like oh mom and dad gave money to buy a nice car and you think its yours ect…and saying things like you have more money then anyone, and is your making more money then anyone ever will is doubtful. why dont you explain what job you have at 18 i assume your 18? tht you make more money then eclipsed ? just curious…also if you buy one please please please dont drive like a grandma and dont RACE IT. please race it and accept challenges if you get them. theres only 2 vipers in the area that raced me and were cool about everyone else backed down or didnt want to go…i mean come on i only got a stock z06…so far theres a handfull who wouldnt race and i wont name any cough DAN cough but whatever. i like vipers a lot because of there potential but from a stock standpoint and a new standpoint other things can be had for a better price and better performance for less…also another guy that one thats a dick online is marcus, he never accepted either oh well it doesnt matter
he just thinks his penis is 10290129 inches because he makes more money than me. He thinks he has cash, and that it makes him the coolest, judging by his post making fun of everyones salaries. Im just pointing out, based on his arrogance, there seems to be a penis lodged in his ass
How about if you were in his situation and had money. Now just imagine everyone and their god damn mother questioning everything you have and saying “I bet your parents paid for that shit nizza.”
Id imagine itd be pretty god damn irritating and id be telling people to fuck off too. Actually id be ALOT worse than this kids being, but thats because im a prick sometimes.
just because im bored and im waiting for a drill battery to recharge ill further back this kid up…
and his rebuttle
im failing to see where he is flashing his money around and acting like an asshole. In fact he didnt even mention anything about owning a jaguar until people started doubting him. Quit being fucking jealous damn…
I think i’m going to side with sedlmeier101 on this one. I dont really think he said anything that was deserving of people jumping on him. The comments made regarding him paying for the car were un-necessary and to me points more to jealousy then him acting cocky. I would get mad when people assumed that “daddy” bought my vette, so I can relate. EVEN IF HIS PARENTS DID HELP HIM OUT… and im gonna say that didn’t, who cares? Parents buy kids $10,000 cars, they buy them $20,000 cars and they buy them $100,000 cars. To lay into someone who has an expensive car and not to someone who has a cheeper one that was bought for them is retarded. Being spoiled is being spoiled at any price range, but ya know what, some people are lucky and its not going to change your life so get over it.
Lots of people will remember me getting into it with Marcus earlier this year. I started my conversation with him by answering his question, to which he went off like a dick. He deserved to be ripped on for his conduct, not for his money. Sedlmeier10 is not on the same level. So shut up or offer helpful info like the thread was about.
What the fuck is this bullshit about? What are you, drunk? When I was 13 years old I was already doing work under the table on high-end Paintball guns & R/C cars…THATS how I made the majority of my cash when I was that young for a couple of my hobbies. When my friends were out playing team sports, I was figuring out how to get what I wanted in life. You of all people should know this, considering I knew you through most of this. Hell, I was running a damn business during school from the age of 15-17… and that you KNOW. What the hell does me being 13 have to do with 4 years after that anyway?
Considering I didnt even bring myself into that comment, get off my nuts. All I said was I know it is possible- WHICH IT IS.
I took offense because you DID mean it in a different way. If you had said it like you just back-peddled above, I wouldnt have said anything to you.
Help, yes- its called emotional support, ideas, and watching my parents business and learning from it. I did not get cash handouts or anything of the sort past the age of like 10. I had to work for anything I got. Everytime I do something I try and build it better than the previous go around- by building on what I already know, have done and can do. Thats why I am able to step up like I do- I build a business around every passion I have. I had one for Paintball, R/C, Sport Bikes, 3000GT’s, and now Vipers. The end result of each go around is the next level, which I then build on…simple economic principles.
I am not trying to be pompus about it, but then again it seems that any time someone ever talks about money or possessions, thats how it comes off. If it does, then so be it, I have no other way of explaining it.
I have worked VERY hard over the last few years to get people to accept the fact that the car I drive and what I do was not a “hand-out from Daddy.” A simple smart remark like the one you made kicks me back a good number of notches. anyone who doesnt know me, takes what you had said as truth, and then I have to deal with that shit when I meet X person who thinks they know my life.
Some people think “Well hey, who cares what other people think.” I DO. Its a matter of respect. I think most people can agree, people that get shit handed to them command virtually no respect. someone who worked for they have, does. It may not matter to someone sitting on the sidelines, but it matters to me.
I don’t see what the problem is with parent’s giving their kids money. Goodness, my parents will have been able to buy me a used viper and a half when I’m done with college (if not more). But the theory is that I’ll be able to buy them things after. hawhhahwha investing at its finest, ugh