This is how gay I have become..

That’s why you clay and wax with high quality products. If you ever see my car when it’s clean, please touch my paint and analyze it. You’ll never see a factory painted car (9 year old paint) that looks as good or feels as good.

umm… clay too much and say “buh bye” to your clear coat. Clay bar is an abrasive

seriously…who does shit like that

how many rolls was that. :lol

holy shit elliot :runaway

Clay once a year (usually spring time).

Every other time, I just use a soft (easy on the paint) car wash and then follow it up with OCW Wax from Paint is smooth like glass, clean, and swirl free.

I need to wax my Mustang. I havent waxed it since it got painted last August.

gotcha, you made is seem like you were claybarring every couple weeks

I wash my car with degreaser and bug/tar remover to get all the tire slag off. We do not speak the same language.

Sorry. But yeah, it’s once a year…MAYBE twice…the other time would be just before winter.

~2…i’ve only done it that extremely once. i was bored, knew no matter what time i left i was just gonna be sitting in traffic so i had some fun before i went home.