This is why i hate cobalt ss drivers

I had a run-in with a cobalt ss owner a week or so ago. I was in my blue z which is at best a mid-high 13 second car. This dude is in the passenger seat of a 4-door ford focus with a fart can. They do a mini fly by on Sheridan and as we get up to the next light he tells the driver of the focus “it’s ONLY a camaro”, he says it loud enough to make sure I hear it. So I repeat what he says as I look at him, and he gets all huffy saying “I have a cobalt ss, I’ll run you for pinks any day!!!” …Now correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have to actually have your car paid off in order to run someone for 'pinks" ? So I tell him I have another car too, (he never even asked me what it was, apparently his cobalt ss>*) and he’s like go get it I’ll run you right now, blah, blah, blah. He’s like maybe early 20’s at best. I asked him if he was an nyspeed guy (I figured he was), and he says “fuck no, I hate all of those guys!” So I guess he hates all 2700 of us. I mean kids these days need to learn a few rules.

  1. You can’t race for “pinks” when the bank still owns your car.
  2. You don’t start shit when you own a cobalt.