This is why I hate crotch rockets


:word: :ohnoes:

Not cool, or smart. Thats not willy-style.


<3… ive done my fair share of stupid things…


Willybeen > Random Pavement Eating Jerkoff


… no comment… ive crashed before lol


wheelies all the way up Rt. 5? :tup:

when he heals up they should have a wheelie contest with willybeen.


im down lol… but i need to practice on the new bike… im rusty on it thats for sure… maybe if shrives lets me borrow the 636… j/k


Well I don’t see willybeen chiming in here. Hope it wasn’t him and hope he is ok.

I just got on a bike for the first time this weekend and it was a blast but I would be shitting my pants doing some of that stuff.


sorry i was in rochester all week… and i have a plug in my rear tire now… i’ve been just taking it easy. but me and the gsxr are doing just fine

i gotta run to the hospital… where i work, lol… ill post more of my thoughts on this later… if you can control a wheelie well, i dont feel that they are a dumb to do… but i also agree theres a time and place (sometimes your ego/balls override ur sense of judgement though)