This old house - cirica 1920

damn dude… good work

Looking good!

Glad I subscribed.

What did you use to widen the door, reciprocating saw?

Is that hardwood floor nailed in? From the pics it looks like you have huge gaps in between the pieces and the one side it doesn’t look like it even goes all the way to the trim. It could just be the pic though.

Also, you put some of the small pieces too close together where another one starts or ends. FYI, you want to mix it up with long planks and short planks, otherwise you get that odd “ship deck” like floor.

Nice project man! Bathroom looks like it has a good start. Floors will come out awesome when your done. The framing in the room is just to support sheetrock so its not structural so your fine with that. If you need any help sourcing out materials, I can help you out with that. Also if you need to do any plumbing I bought the expensive crimper tool for PEX tubing, and you and borrow it if you need to. PM me if you need any help with anything, my family has been in remodeling for 30+ years, so I could help answer any questions you have. But it looks like you already have a handle on things!

keep updating the thread man.

deadbeat - we are engaged, thanks for the compliment.

JRubino - Nothing is nailed in yet. What sucks is for some reason all the boxes had smaller pieces of wood.

Vovchandr - Not sure, I wasn’t there at the time. At lot of stuff that is getting done, I am not doing as I am either at school or work. I help where I can, like the paint, and ripping down and destroying stuff.

KrazyKid, thanks for the offer.

I didn’t get any pics from today. All that was done was the sheet rock for upstairs. I did find this in the attic though.

That picture is awsome. You should frame that.

i am making a copy for myself, and then i am donating it to the kingston historical society.

yea that pic is definitely badass! good luck with the house project!

more work from today. :slight_smile:

this is that little room off the dinning room

Dinning room floors are pretty much complete now.

I taped and painted the entire hallway, pain in the ass for the stairs. had to use a ladder and get over my fear of heights.

The two upstairs bedrooms were taped and spackled.

The little room off to the right was painted blue and the trim white.

Damn bro. You do really good work!!! Keep it up! I can’t wait to get a house.


How much work are you doing yourself?

It seems that you’re making crazy progress especially if it’s just in your spare time, pretty much full house maker over.

solid work! +rep on using real flooring instead of laminate.

Hopefully the one bedroom cieling doesnt come back to bite you in the ass. Ive been in the same situations before and everytime it was worth it in the end to tear out all of the older stuff down.

THIS. Mike Holmes the fuck out of it.

Holmes is the man! That guy inspires me to do shit right.


just subscribed to his magazine. hopefully it has good shit for n00bs like me.


Nice thread, good work.

good job dood I can’t wait to buy my first house, keep up the progress!

yeah, ive been slacking with the pics. so much work has been done since then and i havent took too many pics unfortunately due to no camera. :frowning:

ill try and grab pics tomorrow of all the completed work. it’s like a new house :stuck_out_tongue:

In for more pics, and Mike Holmes is my hero. I watch every episode, my gf hates his show :lol