This old house - cirica 1920

yeah i was watching him today and im pissed because this episode was a two part because the house was fizzucked up. i want to see the ending like now.

floors look awesome man, also love that your actually using nice colors to give each part of the house a different feel to it.

i had a side job refinishing a house and i have to say i would love to get into it as a fulltime job

It’s not always what it’s cracked up to be, especially if your doing work for a customer. I used to do this and got out of it because people can be sooo anal.

Flip property if you have cash flow money’s.

i was working for someone who did that…its easier cause not everything has to be 150%

you can deff make a shitton of money flipping houses though

ok more pixzorz. for the most part done, just a lot of touching up in places.

Living Room - to the left as soon as you walk in

Dining Room - Straight from the entrance.

Computer room that is off the Dining Room

Jacket will be forsale. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stairs and upstairs hallway

1st bedroom on left

Bedroom 2 on right

Bedroom 3


And the backyard which we fenced and I cut down two medium sized trees, and cleared a lot of shitty ass shrubs.

solid work, looks great

thanks. it’s slowly getting there, but we are really happy thus far.

two thumbs up, some arborvitaes along the fence and some smaller shrubs would finish the backyard nice.

We cut down a whole row of pine trees and replaced them with this a few years ago

They have more then doubled in size since, BJ’s has them for sale for $10 each! best deal around. Keep up the good work.

deer>>>aborvitaes (sp?), but they’re nice trees/shrubs.

house look great though, hang your cross

^^there is a penis in the grass!!

hahahahahahaha dam they cought my shadow…

lol lookin good playa.

damn dood place is looking awesome!

Turned out really nice!