those of you with girlfriends...

Some of you guys need to start spending time with classier and more mature women.

so sounds like you’re gonna fall victim to the “we spend WAY TOO MUCH FUCKING TIME TOGETHER…”

It WILL happen, your girl is not special. Sorry bro. you must be under 20 too, because anyone 20+ in a relationship wouldn’t still be getting told I LOVE YOU 50+ times a day and spending EVERY FUCKING MINUTE with her.

watch, one day, you’ll find out, you are actually 2 different people, with 2 different lives, and probably be REALLY embarassed about how fucking CORNY you’re acting right now. :slight_smile:

ps. where she work?

edit: i missed the most important part of what you said there, she cheated before. You know what that means? Im DEFINITELY right and she WILL cheat again (which we all knew before you said that, but that just confirms it) and the saying I LOVE you 50 times a day… … is to try and make herself feel less bad about cheating on you, bub.

and does she sleep with you EVERY night? because you’d be suprised how easy it is to get even 17yr olds to sneak out late late at night, when no one can ever find out. just sayin.

If she has cheated once she will cheat again.

Also, the fact that she says “I love you” 50 times a day tells me that she is probably cheating on you as we speak.

Chicks are insecure and crave that sort of attention.


This from the guy that pays for middle eastern BJs :spank:


from camels…

LOL I don’t have much to say about that. The hookers here are from the phillipenes(sp) anyhow so get yo shit right.

yeamabu better not be responding I already won

HAHAHA you are fucking hilarious. When you get back to the states I’m gonna beat your ass for being such a man-whore

dont really have to many at work

I am not a whore i am sexually inclined err something like that.

did you read my last post? because I used to say the same shit about my girlfriend, word for word, as im sure everyone on here agreeing with me did as well.

all im sayin man, is fuck other people, because she is too.

:wstupid: there is a direct correlation between the amount of reassurance like that that both sides need and propensity to cheat. Hell, I could have done my MBA stats project on amount of gay shit about significant other in one’s AIM profile vs. times the person has cheated on them.

yea, but like everyone else in the world, he wont believe it until he sees it.


and not to be a dickhead, or start shit whatsoever… but im 98% sure I fucked your girlfriend before. wheres she from?

You could’ve said “BJs from philipine girls > anal from marine corp guys”


I refrain from commenting because I’m really trying to be a better person.

Your gf looks.

omfffggggg i did LMFAO im staring at the pic trying to remember her name… fuuucckk hahahaha

Listen, I don’t want to knock anyones gf, but I’ve learned that the moment you place your full trust in a girl is the moment she will take you for a ride. Both from my own experience and watching it happen to others.

I guess if you care about her or if she cares about you, you’ll cheat less often and not tell them about it. That’s about all you can hope for.

^ & ^^… wow you guys really need to pick better broads.


well all the ones i came across with these things called “vaginas” are naturally horny for men. not just one man though. this isnt 1567 anymore.