Thoughts on web site

Any sugesstions on what you all mite want to see on the site a lot of the pages are changing I am in the process of doing that now but im looking for any other feedback.

menu buttons on the left are tacky. Matrix type background is lame. I suggest to change color scheme to match your logo on the top (which I like). Make it red, black, and white. Keep it simple.


Also, font is huge. I’m at 1280x800 and it looks huge. Too much scrolling on the front page (a majority of this will be fixed if you make the font smaller). Using thumbnailed pictures that open full size in a separate ‘pane’ above the page when clicked will also reduce scrolling.

Design it with 800x600 in mind and it will look much better at all screen resolutions. Just don’t hard code sizes, use percents.

I’ve stated before…

Dont use geocities…

I was making better websites in notepad when I was 9…

Not trying to be a dick, just take some time to learn basic HTML and you can make a better looking website than that…

And with programs liek Dreamweaver, making a website is even easier

The site is ok but it could be a lot better with minor touch ups here and there.

And im not sure who your paying for the space but let me know, my hosted prices are very competitive.

yes i am paying for the site what kind of prices are your

What kind of prices would i be looking at to have it set up but someone like yourself?

Talk to singh when he gets back, I’ve been out of the game for awhile… Was never my thing, I did it for myself and a few people I used to game with when I was really big into competitive gaming (Counter Strike, Americas Army etc…)

But a decent site you could spend anywheres from 50 bucks for premade templates you can edit and add content yourself, or pay someone like singh anywheres from a few hundred to a few thousand to do an indepth site thats uniqiue to what you want and you only

MOAR pics of flava flav!!