Threat at my school (Cal U)

Copied and pasted directly from the e-mail I recieved. People are friggin nuts. Apparently the kid was making myspace bulletins that involved murder of all students on campus. Haven’t heard the full story yet, though.

The University’s campus police department became aware last night of possible threats to the University made on MySpace. Campus police officers were assigned to investigate. The Pennsylvania State Police became involved in the investigation. It was determined that at no time were the University, its property, its students or employees endangered. Charges of terrorist threats were made against the person involved because of the disruption to daily University operations caused by the threats.

must be a good shot to murder them all.

I just seen that shit on the news. whenever they arrest someone before anything happens everyones says it no big deal. Then after something happens everyone says oh why didnt they do something sooner…

hahaha you added 2 years on yer gayspace

Yeah. Well except for I actually attend the college, and I ain’t that ugly. Haha

Yesterday was my brother’s second day up there, what a week to start.

MySpace ftL f@gg0ts!

in his defense, it’s rather often that I get desires to murder the majority of the American people.

:rofl: at myspace threats…

I think this just goes to show how we need the 2nd amendment to be in full effect. These “gun free zones” are always the perfect place for whackos to go nuts, while anyone who chooses to obey the law will have no way to defend themselves.

I think in order to declare a “gun free zone” everyone should have to go through metal detectors, and armed guards would have to be on duty all the time. This added expense would ensure that organizations don’t just post a gun ban on a whim while taking no efforts to actually protect the lives of the people who go there. It would also ensure that lunatics do not take guns into these areas putting the innocent, law abiding Americans at risk. Thirdly, the armed guards would help to prevent the extended response times that we see when one of these unfortunate events does occur.

That being said, I think gun free zones are heinous because they trample the 2nd amendment.

X2 if im correct I belive Utah doesnt have “gun free zones”

/ thread unless someone got shot

my lil cousin didnt say anything to me about this…hmmm? im gonna have to ask her whats up…

i couldnt have said it better. i agree 110%

I went to high school with that kid … I havn’t talked to him since then (that has been 5 years now) … He is a year younger than me …

He was an alright kid in school … He mom is also a laywer I believe …

Kids are stupid for posting shit like that on the interweb

was there today, heard nothing about it…

what is her phone number ?



but makes me think of…