Three dead after car hits group of people in Voorheesville

That’s why I hate people.

Continue on.

The woman driver will probably sue Toyota and the flip-flop company for crazy cash and sell her first interview to GMA to let America know that she is the real victim in this accident.

She will sue Toyota for not being flip flop friendly and not having Facebook connected screen embedded in the steering wheel.

What a horrible way for 3 families to lose their elders.

If you survive to live that long you deserve to die in a appropriate way, on your own, of deteriorating health, not taken out by 5000 pounds of Jap after the conflict has been over for decades.

Ain’t that the truth!

i don’t understand even if she couldn’t stop it, which she could of, you don’t drive into people, you drive on the road, and eventually slam into another car or go into a tree etc…I find it hard to believe you can lose control of a car thats going what? 60-80mph and if it was going 100+ enough to lose control of she would have flipped it and rolled not driven straight into people and continue up into a church… She should go to jail for a long long long time

Am I the only one that’s sick of seeing people kill other people, blame it on whatever the stupid reason they can come up with and somehow it’s accepted as “oh ok” instead of one being charged with manslaughter? Especially in the case where she kills 3 people?


Just like when bikers get taken out by drivers not seeing them or just not following the rules.

Or like the recent article where the guy couldn’t figure out how to stop his “runaway Ford”.


Awful. Just plain awful.

i was there. they are thinking either texting, talking on the phone, meds, or just not paying attention/doing something else. They did find a flip-flop, but when speaking with the sheriff he didn’t really seem to buy the whole story. She drove that 1/2 mile trip 5 days a week. So it is likely she was not paying attention. The way she went into the church, it was a straight shot. Off the road, through the parking lot hitting the people. then hitting the church. She took off the entire passenger front suspension, control arms, shock, wheel, axel, everything. She had to have hit that building pretty fucking hard. It was really strange and creepy being at the scene behind the yellow tape like a half hour after the took the bodies away. Either way, she fucked up. EVEN IF the accelerator got stuck somehow, the car still steers. There is no reason for her to go in a straight line if she was paying attention.

and/or turn the car off, put in neutral. To many people just lose it and panic. shes 100% responsible for the accident. Sucks for all parties involved. To bad NYS gives licenses out to easy.


I was told that Manbearpig was in her backseat due to global warming and he frightened her. He told her to kill the three ladies and hit the church or her face will be eaten like the lady attacked by the monkey. My broski Al Gorebro told me.

Exactly what i was thinking…

Well if nothing else, thanks to my tip off Albany makes it to Jalopnik

its a 30mph road.

Me too, I just cant see how they dont charge her, and the old man that killed the 14yr old last weekend up in Mayfield too. Its an open and shut case, grab the gavel by the balls and slam that shit down…

New York Penal - Article 125.xx (there are many variances)

what i see she fits is:

§ 125.13 Vehicular manslaughter in the first degree.

A person is guilty of vehicular manslaughter in the first degree when he or she commits the crime of vehicular manslaughter in the second degree as defined in section 125.12 of this article, and either: (paraphrased)

(short and sweet version)

  1. Has a BAC of .18 or higher;
  2. Is driving with a suspended or revoked license;
  3. Has a prior conviction of DUI; or
    4. Causes the death of more than one person.

Conviction of this crime results in a Class C felony.

/\ 1.5-10 years


New York Penal - § 125.15 - Manslaughter in the Second Degree

§ 125.15 Manslaughter in the second degree.
A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when:
1. He recklessly causes the death of another person; or
2. He commits upon a female an abortional act which causes her death,
unless such abortional act is justifiable pursuant to subdivision three
of section 125.05; or
3. He intentionally causes or aids another person to commit suicide.
Manslaughter in the second degree is a class C felony.

/\ another 1.5-10

The vehicular manslaughter laws look like bullshit. Basically if you aren’t drunk, high, have a valid license and no prior DUI conviction you can mow down one person and not get charged with it. :banghead

thats retarded

There better be a follow up to this shit then. I didn’t buy the flip flop shit as soon as I read it and I had nothing to do with the interaction other than reading that… just common sense tells me its a retarded cop out for something else the driver was truly negligent for. And just looking on google maps shows you a decent direction of travel… she went straight as an arrow just past the driveway with the little ledge on the right there and headed right for them/the church… for quite a while!

If I was a cop and that lady sucked me off behind the church, I’d let her go with a misdemeanor too :rofl

i live in voorheesville and i was told she was on some pills (Xanax, codeine). my friends dad told me that and he works with the albany county sheriffs. also i know one of the families of one of the people that died and they said the same thing that she was on something

/\ thats fucked up even more then. This bitch better not get a “I know so and so” free pass on killing 3 fucking people.

If thats the case, actually I can see why they would cover it up even more. She dropped the kid off at school 5 mins earlier, under the influence, that actually carries more weight than the manslaughter’s do. Also if she was under the influence of something, she can get 2 more class C and B felony’s too!

honestly if the family’s were (and should) press chargers, and prove the intoxication… she would spend the rest of her life in jail.

Absoultely horribe. Hope she gets jail time. RIP.

The lack of responsibility people have to take for their actions in today’s society is unreal.

I mowed down three old people cus of my flip-flop.