Thursday night all nighter to 9-5 on bar attire, naturally

more booze will cure you

+1 for coke.

I certainly wouldn’t be the first person in banking to go that route…
I should call down to ibanking and get the good stuff

lol@newman, that’ll keep ya going

this really scares me. now i don’t know what part of health / medicine you are in but if it is anything remotely serious and you were taking care of lets say one of my kids or for that matter anyone i know… it would be lights out on the spot :wtf:

here is a little excerpt from the hippocratic oath, maybe you should read the whole thing sometime…

           Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief

quit being such a fucking pussy.

i hope your kid gets Hep-A




I didnt realize the previous comment was toward me… i thought… I never new joe was in healthcare

i am dr. willybeen… lol… yea… you’re kids are screwed if they come to MY office… :lol:

i come in wasssssssssted all the time… if you need pain meds… well im your doc.

EDIT: all the residents and interns get wasted alllll the time when they are on call… get over it lol, they are making only 30-40k while they go through residency, let them enjoy themselves a bit… add a little risk/reward/fun in their lives

you’re a fucking moron

at least my shitty kid isn’t going to get Hep-A

lights out? are you threatening me… lol, people are funny

him punching you is the least of your worries.

don’t let his kid touch you though, unless you’re vaccinated.

:lol: … i did a whole string of 9-5’s and 7-5 shifts this week and last… im tired of working the “usual working mans” hours

ugh, the time has come. I have to give my current mental state an overall self-:picard: I just somehow pushed and got off at 11 instead of lobby. I didnt realize til the elevator had already left. Those 2 floors have nothing in common, nor are their buttons near each other.

Picard is going to haunt you in your dreams once you do get a chance to sleep.

lol, have your co-workers told you that you smell like alcohol yet?

no, but they did find the, uh, bruise? on my neck. That’s really bad form, I thought i was done getting those in 9th grade

gross. tell them it’s from shooting up.

did you try the coke yet?
