ticket in albany, any suggestions??

ok so im in albany, me and a friend came out here for a mini vacation and to help this kid swap and sr into his 240. so its now 9am, we worked since like noon yesterday straight, got it all done at like 815, i drive it to the gas station and on my way back not knowing the area go thru a school zone at like 40, get pulled over, license is at my friends apartment, i get one ticket for no license and a ticket for 44 in a 20. cop was a total dick to me, even after i explained the situation. so yea i dont have a car to come back out here to go to court. can i have my friend who lives here (in the military if that makes any diff) go to court for me? the license ticket will be dismissed if i bring my license to court, so can i make a photo copy for him to take? and it is my 1st moving violation so if he can go and it gets pleaded down and i get my a parking ticket and school do i need to come back here for school?? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkk im just so pissed now, and wayyy over tired, i fucking come out here to do a favor for a friend and i get fucked

You may be able to hire a cheap lawyer out there to go for you, maybe pay him like 100 and never hear about it again.

yea u would need a lawyer to appear for u. i would drive u up for some gas money. can u take the license to the court office now and have them dismiss it?

blahhh, fuck a lawyer, and nah i dont think i can do it now cause i asked the cop and he said no your court date is april 24th or w/e, even if i come out tho im pretty much fucked if i get it reduced with school arent i?

mail the ticket in.

44 in a 20 is a 6 point violation and between 90 and 300 dollar fine. Chances are it will be around $150.

pay for school locally (35 dollars) that will knock off 4 points.

Driving all the way out to albany will cost 100 dollars in gas. and the ticket, if reduced will be around 100 dollars. Thats 200 dollars and no points vs $185 and two points. personally, i don’t have a ton of time, so i would go with option number B.

does the ticket say school zone? they will be able to tell you the exact fine over the phone i think.

I got a ticket in albany for speeding almost 3 months ago. I came home mailed the ticket in. I have never received or heard anythign about it since then.

hmmm idk, it cost like honestly $50 for us to drive there and back, and my friend already said hell drive back, and i think the kid i swapped the motor for is going to pay the ticket, lol. so i think i may just go back. wat did they end up doing for u newman?


pay the ticket

and Bonger is going to end up with a suspended liscense :mamoru:

what do you do in this situation? i got a ticket in the city and sent it in not guilty… i never recieved anything in the mail either. I know they don’t forget about this shit, so… do i call the city court?

yea, anytime you plead NG, call for your court date

anytime you plead guilty and send payment, call to make sure it was received and marked as paid

i pled guilty for my license plate ticket, filled in my CC info and sent it in, and it would appear that they never received it or never entered it in, because a few months later i got pulled over and found out it was “still unpaid” leaving me with a suspended license i didnt know about till it was 2 late

ok so if i go out there and do get it reduced to like parkting tickets and school, will i be able to take school in buffalo? also if i do get myt license suspended for this, anyone know how long it is usually taken away for? and if they do take it away will i have points on it wen i get it back (i dont currently have any) the other thing is i got a ticket for not having my license on me which will be dismissed once i present it in court, so yeah, thats a reason to go back

and any idea what the max fine could be for this? over $200?

yeah, i did that. Then a year later i got pulled over on Niagara falls blvd. cop runs my info, comes back, “guess what, youre going to jail!”


according to a NYS.gov site

how bad will 2pts be on my license insurance wise tho?

i have no idea. your insurance agent can probably help you there.

just go to court, theyll probably drop it.

i’d mail in a photo of your driver’s lic., that should take care of that one.

the only one, doubt your friend can go to court for you. no way. your gonna have to go. or send it in and just get the fine.

i cant send a photocopy and he cant go for me, i called the police station there, i need to go and bring my license

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