Ticket in Quebec..

Hey guys…I know this has been asked many times, If you get a ticket in Quebec…not even province of Ontario…If I dont pay this and get pulled over in Toronto or even the Falls in Canada…will they see this on my record? I got a ticket for crossing a solid white line…changing lanes. Lame but $270 is BS INHO.

OUCH! I think they can check your driving record anywhere can’t they??

if you dont plan on going to Canada for the next 7 or 8 years dont pay it. after that it is off your record, otherwise just man up and pay the BS fine.

you drive a Viper…whats $280?

i didnt even realize this, for real though, your shifter knob probably costs more than the ticket, dont be a baby

I’m sure you probably go to Canada enough that you should probably just pay it…

Dont pay it and then when you get pulled over just start screaming USA! USA! USA! I think that would be rad.

vipers can’t outrun troopers?

saving the $280 for a new shirt?


Not only would it be rad, it would get him out of that ticket.

LOL You are on a roll right now. I just loled at you sneaking in maim in rugsrs thread. :mamoru:

I’d lol a little bit…

I think he was looking for a more serious answer…

Just pay the fucking ticket wtf.You did something wrong. You are guilty. Pay the god dam fine.

is it a pointed violation in canada?

incase you havnt seen the latest southpark episode, canadas pretty desperate that no one cares what they think, be nice and pay them and make them feel special

yeah it is. The fuck didnt speak an ounce of english.

uhhh… you were in quebec…


Unfortunately, points transfer from Quebec to NYS.

The NYSDMV does not record out-of-state violations committed by NYS drivers in other jurisdictions. The exceptions are alcohol-related violations, drug-related violations, and moving violations committed in Quebec or Ontario

In Ontario, they cannot reduce any pointed violation to less than 2 points (which is kinda of bogus, considering Canadians can get up to 17 (i think) points before their license is suspended.) So depending on the number of points of the violation, it probably isn’t worth it to drive all the way up there to fight it. Expect points to EVENTUALLY show up on your license, though… Mine took almost 2 years! (which was bullshit because even though the conviction occurred well before they introduced the driver assessment fee, the points showed up well after it was instated and cost me 75 dollars per point… 4 points total…)

hahah that post was so-so, until line #3.
