Ticket Question + Rant

So this morning (7:15am) on my way to msf course at mcc I was pulled over, leaving the road I live on. Apparently the cop was waiting for me because of complaints of speeding and loud exhuast. I’ll give it to him that my exhaust is loud, I’m well aware and I bought a catted DP to fix the problem. To make matters worse, my car is un-inspected (for obvious reasons) and I don’t have the front plate on. I am totally fine with that because I knew it illegal but took the risk while waiting to get the new DP and put it on. The question part of this then is, is this all covered under the fix it deal? I’m having the DP put on tomorrow, can I go right over and get inspected and get everything waived? The officer said only the exhaust was, but reading the form made it seem like it all is.

Rant- I do NOT speed in my neighborhood. I usually coast to my house and shift like a grandma. When leaving I obviously have to rev enough to move which is going to be loud but not obscene to the point where it appears like I’m being reckless. I live off of a country road where the limit is 55 and I normally go 65-70 on it because it is long flat and you can see to the end. I understand that my car at 70 probably sounds like I’m going 100 but still when I get to the section of house before my turn off, I always slow down to below 40 (and usually clutch in). Here’s my favorite part. My car is blue and loud. At the end of the street lives a guy with a 5.0 stang thats blue and super loud. He does burnouts on our street. Goes around the block at WOT, and revs the shit out of his car every time he drives past my house. It seems like I got stuck as the fall man for his asshole driving and my own stupidity.

Guess that’s all, I really just hope I can these all waived by fixing it, cause I’m super broke right now and can’t afford 500 in tickets or whatever it will be…

you’re probably not going to get everything waived, and I doubt if they look at your muffler they will be satisfied regardless of reduced noise level. Unless you know an officer to sign off on your fix it tickets, you might be looking at $200-300 mostly because of how stupid high the court fees are these days.

I would start asking everybody who might know a cop if they could get the officer to write off your fix it tickets as fixed.

so you got-

no front plate
loud exhaust
no inspection sticker


the only ticket that is a “fix it” ie can go back to the court and be like “hey, yo, i fixed it, throw it out” is the exhaust. everything else youre SOL