Ticking from my wheels

thanks for recognizing

If you have the tools, and patience, it’s not a hard job on most FWD’s.

At a shop, I’d guess $200-$300 total.

Yea i live on campus at UB so I have 0 tools and no real place to even attempt this. I am pretty close with a mechanic so I am going to give him a call and see if he can give me an idea of his cost and confirm this.

Thanks for the responses :slight_smile:

Ok so I got back from the shop with my car. The mechanic (who i know and trust very much) checked my CV joints and said they were not broken or bad.

Any other ideas? Could it be worse?

The problem is when I turn and give power to my wheels to go forward.

Higher speeds, just rolling with the clutch in, and power in reverse makes no sound. Since its power related i would assume it would be the CV joint but I am now just lost.