Ticking Noise..

when i did the gte internal swap … people usally upgrade the oil pump or dont…

i was one that dident upgrade the oil pump…

now i guess there is a bit of clearence differnce between the rod bearings… i dont know the excapt specs becuase this is something out of my scope.

which explans why my turbo went in the first place… due to lack of lubication…

now i have a bad bearing… usally cost to oil starvation…

sooooo…what now, pull the motor again and have it looked over?

replace the bad bearing… upgrade oil pump.

ah, enjoy. hope it works out for ya…i feel your pain though…first thing that happened when i re-did my setup this year is my MAF failed out, then i got a new one and my TPS failed, then i replaced that only to find out my WG diaphram is torn…and have yet to get my new shit on the car…maybe ill at least have one week of it working the way it should before it comes off the road ;^(

just take it back to racerx so he can fix it AGAIN

that sucks

just curious, how much do you have into this project so far?


^ dont ask lol, i know the number roughly…it aint so pretty

EDIT: beat me to my post

that my friend is piston slap… sorry

mine sounded like that both times. just like mikeri21 said it sounds in the head but its a rod bearing

u swapped the internals on that motor??

thought u just slapped the turbo on stock internals

interesting, good luck man

hehe do a search about his car it has been through a lot this season


yeah i know

thought it was gonna be smooth sailing

never is that way

that does sound very rod-bearing-esque. when the rod bearing went in my old b17a, it would just do it when it was cold and under slight, no load throttle. it then got worse until it did it all the time. this vid is from when it was pretty bad, just before i pulled the engine:


one of the bearings was completely shot, almost paper thin and squeezed out around the rod. there was a pasty metallic stuff in the pan, but no actual shavings.

As soon as I get my digital camera located, I’ll show you guys some loud rod knock. Probably tomorrow afternoon…

think what you want the kid that looked at it is extremly well knowledge tech. as you know derek 11 million thing can cause that noise. with spending 3 minutes total on the car really couldnt full diag it. i didnt read this full thread but dos did u mention it looked like u had a 8 ball of metal in ur oilfilter

could you have any more problems from the motor thats supposed to handle 500rwhp on stock internals?

i won’t say i told you so…


its not stock internals.

That’s the sound of your wallet flapping open and closed.

Glad you did all this now ?