Time Warner and Fox

she is actually very smart and techno savy…I also heard a rumor that TW will somehow use the Rochester FOX is they lose ours because the Rochester area isnt affected because they were not Adelphia…how true it is I have no clue

That’s one of the only channels I watch :shrug:


Or I break out the rabbit ears and watch it for free. Either way I am not missing 24.

the thing that pisses me off is that if it goes off the air i have to go to my parents house and setup an antenna to pick up local HD for them, which iwll be annoying

Fox does this every time their contract comes up… Happened w/ adelphia… they try to get the most advertising for sat companies… The sat companies give them monies to do this, if you notice they run info to call direct and dish if you want to continue to keep faux.

the only thing holding me back from either sat company is a contract. can i get it without one?

you can get dish network without a contract, only thing is you’re supposed to pay $50 for installation. PM me if you want to get it and i can get you the install free, no contract

Yep. With Dish Network, the only thing you lose out on is getting a $49.99 activation fee back. (and a 30 day money back guarantee and dish insurance too, but you won’t miss either) You get all the same things that people who sign contracts get.

EDIT: Joe beat me to it!!

DirecTV has a 1 year contract, but you can buy it out @$12.50 a month for the remaining months if you cancel. Not really a bad deal. Why would the contract worry you?

i have an apartment, not sure how long we are staying there.

i think i like direct better in terms of programming and how its set up.
(EDIT: but im really not a tv nerd so i really dont know)

what i would be looking for is:

3 tv’s
only 1 needs anything special (HD, dvr)
a dual tuner or even triple tuner (if there is such a beast) would be needed.
NEED MSG. other than that, the same channels i get right now with basic TW, maybe HBO/others depending on price. i will still most likely have to keep roadrunner, so price will be an issue. we dont watch a WHOLE lot of tv to really justify a big bill

edit edit: speed tv would be a must if i am making any changes.

I can get you a dual tuner DVR and a single tuner Standard rec through Dish. Get a referral through Joe and let me know.

EDIT: Did you mean you need a HD-DVR on one TV?


I picked up Dish Network.

I paid $49 for activation INSTEAD OF signing a 18 month contract.

edit- holy shit I’m slow to respond. too many windows open

ok, so dish customers. can i get MSG? i dont see it listed.

Yep with the Top 120 or higher, you will get all the Sabres games on MSG as well as regular Rangers/Knicks MSG. With the Top 180 you get the Verses station too.

ugh Verses is not a cool channel. can i change packages whenever i want?

I get all the sabres games.

If it’s not broadcast on MSG proper, it’s shown on an “Alternate” channel.

I believe so. I’ve already updated my package, and I’m only into my second billiing cycle.

OK, when you move you can just take the DirecTV with you and there will be no charge to move your system. We have Speed TV and MSG and VS’s on our base $44.99 package and your 2 extra tv’s (3 in total right?) would make a total price of $54.99. And as far as the HD DVR go’s we do have them but they have a waiting list for them, you could just get an HD receiver or just a DVR and get it without the wait. Also we are running a few promotions right now that would make the price even lower for the first year.

If your looking for Satellite and an HD DVR wait until February. DISH Network just announced the 622 HD DVR will be free to new customers. Right now it’s a $199 upgrade fee. This receiver does 2 TV’s and has an off air tuner so you can dvr 3 programs at the same time plus you get two TV’s with no extra outlet fee.

The DirecTV HD DVR (HR20) has 2 satellite tuners and 2 off-air tuners.