Time Warner and Fox

Did they get the OTA figured out on that yet? My one buddy is waiting to get one.

They are trenching right next to my building now. There were lines and “VZ” spray painted on the ground where they are trenching. Plus the lines end right at the big phone box behind my building. :eekdance:

Oh, and I’m thinking Fox should win out on this one. After all, what good is a cable provider without content?

Yep, last week the new download came in and now the off-air tuners are 100% functional.

I knew something was up with that. On the website the Dishin’ It Up for the 622 said the $199 upgrade offer was only good til 1-31-07. Any idea what an upgrade will cost??? (for an existing customer) I’m hoping $100 as I don’t have one yet but was going to get one this week.

Still waiting to hear about the existing customer upgrade.

They also talked about the 222 which is a dual tuner HD on tv1 and SD on tv2. Then the 612 which is HD DVR with two tuners for one TV. Interested to see more specs.

Yeah, I’ve been waiting for that rec too. It’ll save me more install time as soon as we get it!!

It’s the 12th. Anyone lose Fox yet or hear anything about the agreement?

No words here at “the office” haha

Still There.

Start a new post about this, I’m highly interested in those OTA receivers.

yeah but the dropouts are still an issue, and it still freezes. Id stay away from the HR20 till they get it all fixed correctly.

dbstalk.com and tivocommunity.com have lenghty posts about this reciever and all of its issues.

I usually check out dbstalk.com and satelliteguys.us i’m gonna have to check out tivocommunity.com.

Dropouts and freezing have nothing to do with the receiver. They are due to poor installation of the Antenna. The receiver is 100% functional. I never have a problem. The problem with getting your info from a site like those is that they are mostly “Do-It-Yourself” people who think they know what they are doing when in-fact they don’t. They do not have the proper resources or equipment to properly put up an HD Over the Air antenna. And they have a big misconception that rabbit ears on top of you TV will be sufficient. Yes Rabbit ears on top of your Tv will work, but it is not going to work nearly as well as a professionally installed Off Air on your roof aimed in the correct direction. I am sure if any one of those people who claim the have a problem with the Off Air channels dropping out were to go into the Signal meter screen and check signal strength on the Off Air it would be Low and Choppy. And that would be the cause of the problem, not the HR20.

back on topic.
On channel 4 right now Time warner has until the end of today, or the will lose “Fox” and “My Tv Buffalo”. So that is why they still have them now.

I wonder what the price drop will be that corresponds to the service drop? :cjerk: If I lose a local channel I’m immediately cancelling.

I was talking about that with Intertech today. They said that TW is trying to telemarket all these special deals but who cares about those deals if they don’t have FOX. I’m sure it will be setteled by today though.

lol umm im sure people who can hack a tivo can put up a OTA antenna, might wanna read the threads first.


Oh btw it got extended a few more days i believe until the 15th or friday the 19th. I forgot what I heard today at work, but ah well. It’s still on cuz I’m watching the game.

It’s official, Adelphia will not lose Fox/MyTv.
