Timing Belt Job Performed Twice

I really think ASS should review the NAPA warranty guidelines. It feels like you’re putting a lot of faith in the warranty in this case. NAPA would have not warrantied the repair or parts on this TB job, because- at least as I read it- the parts were customer supplied. NAPA will not stand behind a job that wasn’t done with parts purchased from NAPA for that repair.

If you’re saying you TRUST another NAPA auto care facility over any other random independent, I get that.

I’m really not trying to stir shit up here, and I’m all for small shops, but the way the NAPA warranty is getting used as a customer buffer just doesn’t feel right to me. I’d bow down and apologize if someone can prove me wrong and show me how NAPA would cover this specific case…


I’m not battling. I’ve said from the beginning that all I did was report what happened, what the mechanic down here told me and showed me, and your response. I can’t write what others are going to do or how they’re going to respond. I didn’t get on here and call you names, or say negative things about your shop. I did, however, post a series of events that happened to me, affected me very much, and nearly cost me my motor.

Warranty: I frequented your shop for two years. No warranty conditions were ever told to me. When I asked if I could bring my own parts since a lot of the parts were non OEM and performance based, I was told I could. A warranty is not the same thing as making a bad situation right. When we first spoke on the day I called you two things stood out in my mind, 1. You mentioned you would like to see any pictures and invoices from the shop I was using, and 2. You brought up my last visit to your shop which was not topical. It wouldn’t stand out in my mind except you mentioned it about one minute into the conversation by saying, “The last time you left here there was quite a scene. So you’re basically calling to take my temperature now?” (quoted as best I could) To which I responded, “No, this happened and I want to give you the opportunity to make it right.” That was the morning after I had found out that it was the timing belt. I waited until around 10AM or so because I had asked the shop to see what caused the timing belt to slip three teeth. I knew I had just had it replaced so it seemed odd since I was supposed to get about another 77k miles out of it. So, between getting my car towed home, to the dealer where it sat for two days, to getting towed to the shop, then I was off to work where they called me to when I contacted you at 10AM the next day…where in there was I supposed to contact you, arrange another tow truck to a NAPA facility, have them re-diagnose it and lay blame? And that’s IF the NAPA warranty would have covered it since it was my parts from a widely used and respected parts dealer? I didn’t even know it was something ASS could’ve messed up until the shop had the engine torn apart.

The pic: I am trying to get these pics but I’m dealing with an older off the boat German mechanic that, truthfully, seems to be having a hard time getting the pics off the digital camera into an email. If I have to, I’ll go there tomorrow and take a damn picture of the pic myself. However, I don’t think any pic or video or written explanation would satisfy you enough for you to say, “You know what? We screwed up. My bad. Let me make this right.”

The last time I left the shop: I never posted about the last time I left the shop because I didn’t want it to reflect negatively on you. I didn’t want to get on a public forum and state that you had illegally passed my car’s inspection prior to that date, that you were familiar with my car when you made the appointment because I made the appointment standing in front of Harold after you guys threw on two temporary washers to my rear shock because it had walked itself off the bushing ($50), or that the owner of a shop would seriously suggest crafting a fake cat to fool his tech that was about ten feet behind him. I don’t mind saying I have a short-ish temper but I’d say after the shenanigans with the timing belt job where it was a tooth off and Harold told me he tore it down and checked it again and it was spot on, then you tore it down and YUP, it was a tooth off, AND the part wasn’t ordered, AND your telling me to trick your own tech with your work…Yeah, I’d say I reacted pretty calmly by just telling the tech to go fuck himself.

Showing interest: When I called you back in the afternoon to tell you I had the information you requested you cut me off, cited the NAPA warranty rules as you understood them, and told me there was nothing you could do. You never asked to see the pic. You never asked to see the invoice. You never asked what I was looking for to make it right. The conversation was brief and you made it clear nothing was going to happen no matter what information I had.

Why did you ask about my last visit the first time I called? And why have you referenced it here in every post you’ve made when the thread is regarding work that was done prior to that visit? I believe it’s an attempt to change the subject. To point to me and say, “He’s got a temper problem!” and totally deflect from the events that happened. People on here can say whatever they want about A.S.S. but here’s the bottom line: When they changed my timing belt the first time they could’ve blown the motor because they gave it to me off a tooth. They even test drove it and said it was fine. A.S.S. told me they double checked it and the timing was fine, that it had to be a tuning issue. I went to NAM, all the way to Clifton Park with the belt off a tooth where Josh said, NOPE, not the tune. So I brought it back to A.S.S. where they finally got the timing correct. That’s all fact. So if I’m a little quick to believe that perhaps the shop that doesn’t have a dog in the fight is correct and you guys forgot to tighten a bolt, then that’s on me. But you also forgot to order my CV boot so…I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. Maybe this is all because of my short temper.

Chris C.

Ok I’m not seeing this napa certified issue as you guys are and I believe you guys are seeing it wrong also . I see it as d.c wanted a napa certified repair facility to look it over etc as he feels there more honest or what have u . Not as napa would cover anything

That’s possible. I don’t know. Only me and him were on the phone. The impression that I came away with was that it is sort of like when you buy the extended warranty on a car after your factory warranty runs out. If a problem occurs, you contact the warranty company who sends out a tech that diagnoses and decides whether or not the warranty company is going to cover the repairs. In other words, if I had gone to a NAPA repair facility and it was agreed upon that A.S.S. caused the damage, then NAPA would cover the cost of the repair. That was my impression from the phone conversation anyway.

I don’t know why a shop owner in NY would prefer a shop in FL just because they’re NAPA certified. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason. I will say the shop I used has a huge sign out front stating that they’re Bosch certified. To be honest, it’s not something I considered before it was told to me on the phone.

The shop I work at is ac delco certed etc , our warr covers delco parts and labor if there delco parts at any delco shop . All delco approved shops are on a same setup computer system also so if we have a situation as yours we can see what shops are in your area and recommend one and let them know we’re certed ! Delco shops also have a " honest tech " slogan of sorts saying we don’t rape etc lol . So delco feels that if your a delco shop your trustworthy . So as to say if u went to a napa repair center d.c would feel more comfy on there diag and so on and be more inclined to write a check ! Now your at a non approved facility and no one but techs no if its honestly what happened !

So in your case, if there’s a warranty claim from your shop but now in another shop’s hands that’s handled per policy, does YOUR shop pay for the repair or does AC Delco as a warranty/insurance company?

Why would the shop in FL lie about this? They could of told him, “Shit man, your engine is fucked; it jumped timing and destroyed 5 valves. You need this, this and that. That’ll be $8k.”

exactly the shop in fl will get paid nmw so it doesnt matter. idk darryl or have any exp with a.s.s but i think that when the pucs are shown and were the bolt came from.is determined they should make it right nmw there napa warranty is because it was a tech error

No delco pays for the parts and labor ! Say we do a part of there’s and it fails , we do work both times we file a labor claim and delco warr part and pays us to do it again . So if it went to another shop same deal they warr part and pay a labor claim .

I’m not saying they are ! But has a pic been produced yet ? If I was in his shoes I would of bad one right off the rip . Maybe techs that know what’s up are timid about shit like this cause there are assholes out there that make shit up for money and so on . Not saying this is the case here either

This thread sucks.

There has been nothing but hearsay and opinions based on 30% of a story.

Post pics or documentation from said VW mechanic.
It seems passive aggressive as FUCK to wait until you are 10 states away to blow up A.S.S.'s spot. I don’t care either way…I met you once and you seem cool. Never meet Daryl or have ever dealt with ass. Nobody cares about the old shit. New info/proof or this thread will be ranked #1 worst thread of 2013 for me.

If you are going to start modifying a car with tunes/bolt-ons that CLEARLY void warranties…you better learn to turn wrenches or be ready to foot the bill. Jussayin’


i disagree…

worst thread was the Outro thread from Tranny Travis.

It is stated very clear to me in ASS’ first reply that ASS WOULD have taken action to help if OP brought the car to a NAPA Auto Care facility to have the job warrantied. This just doesn’t make clear sense to me, since NAPA would not honor a warranty claim for the service they performed. ASS is clearly taking the stance of “you didn’t take it to NAPA, so we can’t warranty it, sorry” which is crap, since NAPA would NOT warranty this repair regardless. I’d have more respect for ASS if they just said, “OP, you’re a jerk, and we don’t want to give you any money back.” It feels like they’re hiding behind this NAPA warranty so they don’t have to pay or be the bad guy. OP has had some issues with them in the past and ASS is either a) passively telling OP to fuck right off or b)making excuses so they don’t have to cut a check.

Read below. It is clearly stated that ASS WOULD have assisted in warrantying the repair through NAPA, but since the vehicle wasn’t taken to a NAPA AC facility, their hands are tied. However, NAPA would not have issued ASS any credit for the labor expended on a service that later failed within the warranty period due to POTENTIAL technician error or bolt failure, because the parts were customer supplied. Potentially, because I guess pictures are pending. I get that proof is required, that is completely understandable.

I think the biggest lesson learned here is not to bring your own maintenance parts to a servicing facility. You can’t expect them to take ownership of your own parts once they are installed. Maybe having clear rules on such things would help independent shops avoid potential exposure to situations like this?

My point is that he would have paid himself ! If he took it to a napa authorized place so he felt more comfy and not just a random b.s shop . As in snaps facility is more trusting than others .

enough of the fucking drama… either put this thread on track, get to the bottom of the ACTUALY PROBLEM WITH THE CAR, or drop it and lock this thread.

Lets start here… since the old coot in FL cant figure out an SD card and what an attachment in an email is lets try this:


Please tell us what bolt circled is the culprit. And keep in mind as much as I hate taking someone else’s word on stuff like this, atleast it will try to put this thread back on its rails.

Probably bolt #1 :lol

Or point it out here:

It probably is… and if that’s the case its NOT going to directly cause it to jump timing 3 teeth, and magically make it stick in that position and still turn over fine.

I find it hard to believe first off, that something other than a failed tensioner could somehow let a new enough belt “skip 3 teeth” and then settle into that new position and still be tight enough to turn over well enough to do a comp test and the other crap they did to troubleshoot this. If some random bolt fell out and got sucked into the timing belt/gears and dislodged it enough to skip teeth before it flung out, (more likely scenario) then I would want to see the bolt, and the cam gears UP CLOSE OR IN MY HANDS to see where they were mangled, chipped, bent, or any other evidence that they were mushed together at one point in time.

If I were in Darryls shoes, and the car was in my hands… the ONLY way I am covering a damn thing here is if I had the failed parts in my own 2 hands so I could do exactly the above.

Maybe it was a Jewish lightning BOLT!