tint ticket

it’s a good thing I can never be ticketed for tints.

for a traffic bureau plea…do you need to schedule a date, or do you just show up and line up??

and what’s the best time to go if it’s just show and line up??

I got a ticket for tints a while back… had them removed and mailed in proof (bill and pictures) + ticket… on the back of the ticket it says it’ll be dismissed if it’s done within 24hrs + mail it in…

fast forward a few weeks

it gets returned to me via mail, with a statement saying how it can’t be dismissed by mail, and that I need to do it in court… wtf?? that’s retarded…

Actually, the news did a thing on this. All arrests are up. The new commissioner has told the cops it’s zero tolerance on EVERYTHING. There was actually a thing in the paper about the jail being damn near full because they’re arresting so many people.

I say :tup: to it. Buffalo has needed this for a long ass time.


I had to remove tint once back in HS. If your just removing the fronts, good glass cleaner and a new blade will work well.

However, I think (imo) that’s a horrible horrible look, so if your like me and try to take them all off yourself, trust me. Its well worth the $ to have someone else do it.

Rainbow Tint on Military, removed mine free awhile ago.

thanks guys… but I had them removed a while ago (at Rainbow)… but I just need to find out how to get this ticket dismissed