tint ticket

friend got a tint ticket last night n town of tonawanda on sheridan… at 1am… he got 2 tickets 1 for having illegal front tint and 1 for having illegal back tint???

i thought u could have as much tint on back as u wanted only front was regulated??

what should he do fight the back one of just pay them both and be done with it

i thought if the tint was removed then you didn’t have to pay the ticket.

4 door car??? any door window cant be tinted last I knew. Remove the tint and it should get thrown out or pay the fine.


I had the Same Exact Thing happen to me a few weeks ago. Town of Tonawanda, Sheridan Dr., 1am, 2 tint tickets in one stop. I bet it was the same cop. The only thing that really bothered me about it was that all my windows were down all night so he never saw the tint. And when he pulled me over he asked me to roll the windows up so he could see if they were tinted. I did so politely and he still gave me a tint ticket for both. Also in the same stop got a speeding ticket that he judged by eye, no radar, no laser, just by eye. Although he still wrote radar an the ticket.

You guys are both far off. If gonna add something to your car thats questionable, look it up in the intra web, or even a search on here.

As far as I remember its 75% of the light is to PASS through. What your windows are from the factory is pretty much as dark as you are allowed. ALL windows must pass 75% light. So that means only 25% light is allowed to be BLOCKED.

PERIOD. Unless u get a Dr. pass. :wink:

Just to add…I have recieved a few tint tickets in my day. Its usually $100+ if u do not remove it. It has been up to $50 EVEN WITH IT REMOVED. <–that only happened once in Getzville…the court on Autobahn.

So, this is the main reason I drive my car with a stock look. Cops that pull me over for this stupid shit make me want to do bad things to them. Its easier to leave (the car that I own) all stock instead of modding it to my liking because some legislator decides it should be against to law to have it.


You guys are both far off. If gonna add something to your car thats questionable, look it up in the intra web, or even a search on here.

As far as I remember its 75% of the light is to PASS through. What your windows are from the factory is pretty much as dark as you are allowed. ALL windows must pass 75% light. So that means only 25% light is allowed to be BLOCKED.

PERIOD. Unless u get a Dr. pass. :wink:


^I’m not sure who this was aimed at, but the legal limit is 70% and I am way darker than that. I know it’s wrong and expect to get tickets for it. I was just letting the kid know he wasn’t the only one who got nailed for it.

There needs to be a sticky. I think tint ticket questions are new threads every 3 days.

A) Remove tint, use “fixed it” as excuse and hopefully get it thrown out

B) Leave tint, plead guilty and pay the fine.

It’s as simple as that.

Next time refuse to roll the window up.


So from this it looks like the only window that is allowed to be tinted is the back window.

I guess from that read, that giving two tickets for the front and rear is correct. Shitty, but true.


Next time refuse to roll the window up.


then what happens??

I find it hard to believe it’s legal to give two tickets for the same offense. Sounds like some newbie cop who’s trying to be as big a prick as possible. Time for someone to fight it and have a judge school his ass.

Unfortunately, no matter what, one of the tickets is still going to be valid.


Next time refuse to roll the window up.


I’m curious about that one actually. Legally, your windows just have to pass 70% of the light. Legally, you’re not required to HAVE windows, so if you told them they don’t roll up because the mechanism is broken I’m not sure what they could do.


then what happens??



Also me and Mike (mpd47) recently looked into the MV-80 form for doctor consent for tint, and apparently in Mikes words from the DMV “have to be allergic to sunlight practically” in order to get approval.


Also me and Mike (mpd47) recently looked into the MV-80 form for doctor consent for tint, and apparently in Mikes words from the DMV “have to be allergic to sunlight practically” in order to get approval.


I gurantee you my dad will get one. but he is also a kidney transplant patient and cant be in the sun. Ill use that as an excuse when Im driving his truck and I get stopped :smiley:

wear scrubs to court… tell them the tint was removed… havea photoshopped pic of it without tint… and his was excused

01AudiS4, lol I was still typing before u posted so it wasnt directed at you ;). It was just a open ended statement anyways. that 70% is what is on a car stock so if u put 2%blocking tint over the stock windows…its illegal. As far as not rolling up your windows, that wont work. He saw the tinted back window of his car, had probable cause, end of story. You try to make it hard on yourself, u just look like an ass and maybe get a senseless trip to jail.
Believe me, I’ve had tickets for everything, tried to find ways to fight with the cops…you never win ESPECIALLY on the street. They always have the upper hand. In court you gotta have one hell of a case to win the judge over.

I always wondered why the law is supposed to be 70%, but many many suv’s and minivans get very very dak rear tinted windows. It’s got to be more than 70%


I always wondered why the law is supposed to be 70%, but many many suv’s and minivans get very very dak rear tinted windows. It’s got to be more than 70%


its 20%. I wonder how many cops have tryed to write tickets to ppl owning factory tinted vehicles. Vehicle makers arent going to change their ways just for NYS.