tint ticket

legistration…its just the cars that got picked for illegal tint. :rolleyes2:

OK people are getting confused. Its 70% light IS TO PASS THROUGH the window. 20% light IS TO BE BLOCKED.

Get it now?

so what about the other 10%, fuggin clouds… :wink:


OK people are getting confused. Its 70% light IS TO PASS THROUGH the window. 20% light IS TO BE BLOCKED.

Get it now?


I meant that factory tinted vehicles come with 20% tint on their back windows.

yeah definitley not 70%, 20% seems right because they are pretty dark, and I’ve seen 70% and it’s basically clear WTF…

So suv’s and mini vans can have as dark tint as they want?

I was just kinda giving an example. ITs easier to just say **% is blocked/passed. 10% of…up ur ass. :wink:

Yeah, the law above only has cars listed.


So suv’s and mini vans can have as dark tint as they want?


Yes, but only on the the back windows, not on the front drivers door or front passenger door. SUV’s and Mini Vans are the only exception to the law.


10% of…up ur ass. :wink:

Yeah, the law above only has cars listed.


Lol I guarantee there’s no light up there…

I think it’s common to refer to the light passing through. Which is what we’ve been doing haven’t we???


I find it hard to believe it’s legal to give two tickets for the same offense. Sounds like some newbie cop who’s trying to be as big a prick as possible. Time for someone to fight it and have a judge school his a$$.

Unfortunately, no matter what, one of the tickets is still going to be valid.


In my Mustang I received 8 tickets from the same cop in one stop. 1 for each window(DriverSide,PassSide)=2 seperate tickets,1 for the front window strip tint,1 for smoked headlights, 1 for smoked taillights,1 no CATs,1 for rear driver-side Tire (M&H slicks),1 for the rear Passager-side tire (M&H slicks).

It’s legal & it can happen. Just when it does everthing must be changed back to factory specs & inspected by Police officer or a registered garage & the repair paper the cop should have given to you( if not ask him after he gives you the tickets) must be signed & dated before the next business day ends @ 5pm. Then handed to court clerk ASAP.

In the end everything was dropped


Lol I guarantee there’s no light up there…

I think it’s common to refer to the light passing through. Which is what we’ve been doing haven’t we???


Yes, 70% passing through is legal.

I just went through this, you have till sundown to take the tint off, and take the car and ticket to the police station, they will dismiss your ticket in court then.


The state trooper who pulled me over said, “your windows look kinda dark” so he put a meter on my P/S window, it let 65% through so he gave me a ticket. I went to court, the judge asked me if I bought the truck like that, ( I didnt) and I said yes, he then asked me if I had removed it. I also said yes. ( a lie too!) so he said Merry Christmas and let me go free, All I wanted to do was get the hell outta the parking lot before he followed me out and saw they were still “kinda dark” Figure 2 lies to the judge wouldnt be too good!:smiley: