Tinting Laws for Any State

Hey just incase anyone wanted this, this link is for NY
but navigate the site you can look up any state!


It’s a bit vague on the actual law.

For example, I can tint any window behind the driver as dark as I want on my SUV. Right from the factory it has really dark tint on the back windows.

According to the NY State Vehicle and Traffic Law under section 375-12, if you have a 1992 or later model year passenger car or station wagon, the side windows adjacent to AND behind the operators seat must have a light transmittance of SEVENTY PERCENT or greater. If you own a vehicle classified by the EPA as a truck or light truck ONLY the area BEHIND the operators seat may be tinted with a tint less than seventy percent. These types of vehicles include but are not limited to: SUVs, Mini Vans, Full size vans and Pick up trucks. All types of vehicles 1992 or later, the windows adjacent to the operators seat must have a light transmittance of seventy percent or greater. If your vehicle is older than a 1992 it must conform to a older V&T section which was a light transmittance of greater than thirty five percent. This section was first written in the 1985 era.

Sweet I can get an 1991 Civic and tint the windows! I’m gonna be ballin…

I actually didn’t about the age contingency. :shrug:

Me neither actually. I took that from the APD website.

EDIT: Straight from the NYS VAT

NYS VAT, Title 3, Article 9, Section 375, Paragraph 12-a.

12-a. (a) Every motor vehicle, except a motorcycle, when driven or
operated upon a public highway, road or street shall be equipped with a
front windshield in a fixed and more or less upright position
constructed of safety glass as defined in subdivision fourteen of this
section and required by subdivisions eleven and twelve hereof. No person
shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign or other nontransparent
material other than a certificate or paper required to be displayed by
law upon the front windshield or the sidewings or side windows on either
side forward of or adjacent to the operator’s seat.
(b) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any public highway,
road or street:
(1) the front windshield of which is composed of, covered by or
treated with any material which has a light transmittance of less than
seventy percent unless such materials are limited to the uppermost six
inches of the windshield; or
(2) the sidewings or side windows of which on either side forward of
or adjacent to the operator’s seat are composed of, covered by or
treated with any material which has a light transmittance of less than
seventy percent; or
(3) if it is classified as a station wagon, sedan, hardtop, coupe,
hatchback or convertible and any rear side window has a light
transmittance of less than seventy percent; or
(4) the rear window of which is composed of, covered by or treated
with any material which has a light transmittance of less than seventy
percent. A rear window may have a light transmittance of less than
seventy percent if the vehicle is equipped with side mirrors on both
sides of the vehicle so adjusted that the driver thereof shall have a
clear and full view of the road and condition of traffic behind such

<b>(e) On and after January first, nineteen hundred ninety-two, no person

shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale, equip or operate a motor
vehicle in this state in violation of the provisions of this
subdivision, except that a person may operate a nineteen hundred
ninety-one or earlier model year vehicle without violating this
subdivision if the windows on said vehicle were in conformity with this
subdivision as it existed on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred

If you put a tint gun on a window with no aftermarket tint on it, the gun will read about 75 percent.

So basically you can’t by law have any tint on your front windows.

A town of tonawanda cop showed me this to “teach me a lesson”, when I was about 17 years old, and had two layers of 5 percent tint on my car.

I wonder if next year that means vehicles 1993 model and older are legial at 35%??? crosses fingers since both cars I own are '93 models with 35% tint

Nope, it doesn’t. It means since the law was passed in 1992 it can’t apply to vehicles made before 1992. It’s not a sliding scale like classic car insurance.

Can someone confirm that a Forester would go under the SUV/Van section and not a Sedan since its not a sedan.

Ya if you look at your registration its says suburban not sedan

Kid I knew from HS went to his doctor and had him write a note saying he was very sensitive to light. Then got every window tinted, including his windshield.
Got pulled over often but “he said” this note got him out of it. Not sure if it really worked but he kept the tints on…look weird on the windshield

Yeah, I dont care about tinting the front at all. Just from rear door around to rear door. I’d like to tint the back 3 limo so I can have a trunk noone can look in and see what the hell I have when I’m not around the car. Then the back windows to help from looking in the back trunk area. Its not for my own privacy driving since I’ll have the normal glass up front.