Tire help

So my delima is that ive tried twice to get my tires on my rims and couldnt do it. alot of people say its possible but i still cant seem to do it.
I got the tire on but it wont Pop.

The tire size is 225/45/17 they are going on a 17 X 9.5 rim.

so im giving up on doing it my self.

does anybody have any suggestions or a place that will do it for me?

I’m assuming you’re filling it with air to pop the bead into place right? Did you use tire mounting greese and lube the rim and beads?

ps. Dont stand on the side of the rim that the bead is popping into…mounting fluid and your eyes dont mix :wink:

lol yeah sorry for not being more specific… i got the tire on i justt need to get it to seal and inflate.

i never heard of that stuff ill try it out.

I’ve helped put 225 on a 9", it took two people, the regular guy did his thing and I pushed on the centre of the treads on opposite sides while he continued to fill them with air…

may work for you, may not.

ill give it another shot tomorrow.

darrian buy my winters :slight_smile: ill hook you up

put ALOT of tire grease on and have another guy hug the tire around the center of the threads so it would push the sides out, or have people push it from all sides in the center intowards the rim… gah thats consufing

so it should be able to streeatch all the way right… it is possible

Put some lubricant also on the circumference just under the lip of the rim! This will help it pop the bead faster! Also, sometimes u have to go over 100psi to pop the bead! Jus make sure that the valve core is out to be able to expel the air quickly once the bead pops! Ive done it many times on 16" 50 series tires!

i work at a tire shop here in the states, when we have a problem we use a bead seater, its a large tank with a huge nozzle attached to it that you stick on the lip of the rim and shoot a huge amount of air into the tire while still putting air thru the valvestem. for a split second the bead of the tire catches on the lip of the rim and then starts inflating, if you cant get it im sure a tire shop in the area or CT or something of that nature might have one to rent?

I was just gonna suggest a bead blaster. I work at a tire shop too… Also, if you have a core tool, pull the core out, it’ll put air in a lot faster, and once the bead is seated, you put the core back in and carry on inflating… Lots of small screwdrivers have core tools on the end… THey look like this:

They come in a variety of styles, but that’s the gist of it.

Also, if you can get your hands on some “soap” that we use to mount transport rims, it’ll help seat the beads. It’s actually Murphy’s soap, but in almost a paste like form, it seals air, so if you use a gob of it all the way around your rim it’ll hold the air in and seal the bead. It works almost as good as a bead blaster. You just have to wipe off the excess afterwards.

take the core out, more air will go into the tire to help,

there should also be a pedal at the side of the machine that

will blow air into the tire from the bottom.

if its still not sealing, then use the rubber ring

it goes around the rim and gauranteed you’ll get the tire on.

the ring will pop off when the tire seals

friggin noobs, this is how its done:

wouldnt go.

i brought it to tire23 too and they couldnt even do it. tires too stiff. we even heated it up

this is how its done http://www.son240sx.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29253

^^^ all that was posted above!

link stealerrrrr!! haha playn

ok im going to try that on a pair of 17s that i just got lol. lets see if it works hahahahaha.