tire mounting

hey who can mount some tires for me reasonably cheap i need my snows put on my rims and 17s put on my rims, the 17s are not necessary, but i need the snows on def.

haha good luck…i tried 5 places yesterday…all of them told me no we cant do it due to scratching your rims…or no we wont even try it

If you would have posted at 8:00am I could have helped but I am leaving work right now.
I have been here all day.
Sorry dude.

Sears Auto Center… Eastern Hills Mall… Joe … aka… Nitroinsane

yea joe is my next choice…headed up on the bully to goodyear tomarrow

skurge u got a call cooley if u can wiat till tuesday

Cooley, Reids did my snows again. They were $20 for all 4 to be mounted. He gave me an incredibly deal I think because I was a repeat customer, and the long wait too. It was over 2 hours. Previous times it was $30 for all 4. The manager there is a really fair, good guy.

joe- if i DO wait until tueday, what is your price?
clark shady- im’a call them monday morning and see whats up

ps - hybrid connections rules the real shit for tires

djnick or reids

i remember reids mounted/balanced some tires for me last year or so for a case of blue.

i can work out deals u guys gotta pm me though