tire set up for starters like BLADE

breathes in, breathes out

Before you attempt to prove me wrong, please lose the attitude and approach me like a real man. My post was not an insult to you, so please don’t TRY to insult me by putting words in my mouth. I’ll start off my explanation so other memebers can also understand the WHOLE truth, instead of the partial truth.

  1. I never encouraged over stretching tires like your statement “195 on a 10 inch rim”

  2. The most i said was to run a 225 on a 9J rim or even a 9.5J rim, which is more than safe.

  3. Your story had no relevance to my prior posts with XuperXero since i never told him to insanely stretch his tires. If you just posted it to inform people for the heck of it, ok thanks for sharing.

  4. You missed my points of those who do run stretch tires do it also for SHOW factor and Clearance issues, which go hand in hand together.

  5. The most i have said is “i have seen ppl do a 205 on a 9J or even 9.5J rim” so please don’t absurdly shout out stupid stuff like “HEY DUDE, I’M RUNNING A 195 ON A 10” RIM! I’M SO JDM TYTE!"

By saying that, i already know you don’t know much about drift setups. Because you work at a tire shop, doesn’t mean you know everything to do with tires. There are so many factors outside the box that a regular tire shop would not know of, unless exposed to extreme circumstances (like drift setups and such)

  1. Who said ANYTHING about even touching the outer part of the tire (the shoulder as you put it)?

  2. When stretching tires, there is a show factor and also clearence factors. that i mentioned. People do it so they can be flush or tuck their tires. When you do so, you HAVE to run neg camber. Do you know what neg camber is? Do you know how it works? Do you NOW understand why your post is irrelevant to this DRIFT conversation?

Stretching tires and neg camber go hand in hand. A drifter with a proper drift setup will never touch the outer part of the tire UNLESS he is running 0 camber or even positive camber, which is very very unlikely. Reason? Because of looks. Plain and simple.

Therefore, a DRIFTER will not run on the SHOULDER of the sidewall because of the neg camber he/she is running, meaning what you said is absolutely irrelevant to this converstaion since there is no extreme contact with the shoulder.

People have been doing it for years and continue to do it because of the many gains they receive. If it was unsafe, people would not do it and therefore, this trend would have stopped before you even touched a tire.

Now i hope you understand why its still safe to run a stretch tire if the purposes are for drifting and if you have the right setup. Even so, i have never encouraged a “195 on a 10 inch wide rim”. So please, don’t put words in my mouth and please do some research before you come and make lame statements which obviously show you don’t know what your talking about.

Btw, this was a drift conversation meaning all this stretch tire talk only applies to drifters.

Point Proven. The End