tired of excuses so heres my pay me thread

I’m in no way giving you a run around bro. We were on good terms I thought. You had told me before you were cool with me giving it to you the next time I saw you, which just hasn’t happened lately with your new job, and my new hours.

So both of us working different times, and different availability has caused us to not see each other. Then you wrote me Saturday night when you were getting SkunkApe and I wasn’t in Buffalo. So I said Sunday before 1 and your timing was late as I had already gotten to work.

As I stated before, and on AIM and whenever. I am not trying to avoid you in any way, and can understand $$ is tight with a new career, etc. So your “just get it to me next time you see me” mentality has changed. No biggie, I don’t go out with you or hang out with you on a daily basis so I haven’t seen you. I am more than willing to meet up to get you $20.

As stated before I am not a bad guy, nor am I trying to avoid you or fuck you out of $20 for a part you got me. Just both of our timing has been off. To bring this to the forum to get my attention did nothing more than just make everyone on this forum have a day of drama to read/write about.

Either way Joe, I can meet up with you tonight just send me a text message or a PM or something (I’m at work so I can’t talk on the phone) so we can get this straightened out.