Tis the season...

…to buy shit that blows up! (And no…i’m not referring to EITHER of the cars i blew this year)…

am i the first to have made a trip to Phantom Fireworks?

I’m a bit pissed because i got back and realized i wasn’t satisfied with my stockpile…so i’ll be going back for another purchase…but that sucks because you can’t combine receipts and the more you spend at once the more free shit you get…oh well.

The arsenal:



I’m pretty excited for the 500 Gram repeaters…i’ve never bought any of them before.

oh, and :InB4UncleBens: comes in and shows me up hardcore by spending probably an entire digit more than i have lol…

i love blowing things up. how much did that cost, ooc?

You definitely aren’t first from the stories I’ve heard from Paul (psphinx81)

I need to get me some explosives this year. :tup:

everything in the store is buy 1 get 1…and there’s a small rack that’s pretty cleaned out, but has some buy 1 get 2 stuff…and things over $20 you can buy 1 get something of equal or lesser value…anything under $20 you have to get the exact same thing as a freebie. i paid for 1 assortment pictured ($120), got the other free. and paid for one of the 500 gram things ($60) and got the other free, and not pictured is a 6 pack of the medium size tubes i bought ($50) and the freebie that came with it were given to a friend for his family’s display. so i just barely missed the $250 mark to get a free $100 assortment…which kinda pisses me off…i didnt even think before leaving the house and didnt have a debit or credit card on me, just my license and some cash…$240 to be exact lol, so i fucked myself there.

prob just gonna buy some more cakes and reloadable mortar kits when i go back…i’m interested in seeing how cool the reloadable mortars with multi breaks are (1 mortar but 2, 3, or 4 breaks).

Where did you go?

Edit: Yep, totally missed the 2nd sentence…

phantom…2nd exit past the PA border.

SKY KING > Phantom.

Looks like a weak assortment. You did not spend nearly enough.

the store looked impressive but i’ll stick with what i know is good stuff. maybe next year i’ll see what they have to offer.

and i know i didnt spend enough…but keep in mind, i’m also looking into buying a new car lol…so i can’t really justify spending much more on things i’m just going to light on fire anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

my stash is a good bit smaller this year, other toys cut into my fireworks budget. You guys are making wish I bought way way more though.

where can i watch these explode

what the uncle bens crew bought last yr.

and yes, two of those boxes were as tall as chris newman

nothing this yr for me tho :confused:
california has to be warm and dry year round, so no fireworks

^ Decent. :tif: But you guys dont have shit on me and mah crew this year. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm259/DIRTYELECTRO/trueconfirmed.gif I spent way too fucking much this year on the 3 trips Ive made so far. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm259/DIRTYELECTRO/tantrum2.gif AH well, come 4th of July weekend, I am unleashing the full fury on all infidels http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm259/DIRTYELECTRO/terrorist88.gif

^^can’t wait for pics, i love blowing shit up haha. i did come across some little shit, but like andy said it’s too dry :frowning:

you can buy that shit at Target down here, its sweet, ridiculous amounts. I’ll be in Buffalo for July 4th though, and I am flying in so I won’t have squat.

oh man, wait till i get home and get pics of our shit!

:word: we might have to break it up into 2 days, idk how on earth we are gona blow all that up, can’t wait tho!

Polish Power fireworks…60% of the time, we keep our fingers, every time.

i still have all my stuff from last year since the police came by and yelled right after i did one shell

wow… and I thought uncle bens went big.
