TNC Sponsoring GREAT IDEA!!

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like to see people leave the site. I also support the new site that is being started as I’m a huge believer in not street racing.

If you don’t think I contribute to the site than I’m sorry you feel that way… Take a look a some of my posts in the tech sections and you will find I try to help out whenever possible.

Didn’t mean to ruffle feathers with my previous post and I hope this new site helps everyone out.


okay lets not fight on the forums pls…

thanks bohead for the post. i guess this is the only way for people to come together and try and make a differeance but hope we can set a good example and people will follow somthing good… hope you become involved and im not sure what problems you had on the site but id like to know threw pm… cheers and talk to you soon.

what mikey means is that if we find out you got cought street racing you will get a ban from the sites :slight_smile: but rules will be made along with the site so should be up soon

this may actually help

this guy has been on city tv already so he may be of some help in some way shape or form heh

Its been broughten up a few times that some young gunner will “ruin it for the rest”

But in all honesty , thats expected to happen.

As the site owner, I can’t elminate stupid drivers. I can’t stop the fact that someone is going to show off at some point.

The real goal is to remind people the cool way to drive is the legal way!

If your hanging out in a community forum that doesn’t support illegal activity it will rubb off.

If your reminded of speed traps, & other tthings of the sort it will continue to burn an imprint in your head

we really just want to keep reminding drivers to stay calm and keep the testosterone on the track.

Also, with the support of local regional police departs they will be all over the forum. I’m sure with that people will keep the keyboard cowboy to a minimum.

When we post updated laws and legislation it will just be another reminder on how to steer clear & and stay ‘save’

For every 1:100 cars that join there will be that one idiot.
But if we help 99:1 people. thats awesome!

thanks for the support guys!

As for advertising,Mikey aka born2beaskyline will be takeit2thetracks sponsored car. So takeit2thetrack decals will be all over it when its doing track events.

spread the word to all the forums.

And there is one thing we all have to keep in mind

The more People join up

the more noticed we get

which means the more connects we receive


If we can get big , we can do free track days.

that way no kid has an excuse,

I dont care if they are in their moms car, If they drive it like its hard. come take out some testoserone in the skid pad.


thanks a bundle too zep. to the fullest

I e-mailed him

we will see how things work out.

i got a meetign wiht a new sponser/ suppoerter teh nigh club guverment and then this week ill be vissting divison 11 12 and 22 wiht a proposal.

but this is commign togehter nicley its jsut hard for two guys whith no money to get it going but we’re managing. and thanks to a good friend liek rick who said yes right away when i brought the idea up to him and helping us out in countless ways. thanks bud.

wow mikey you need spell check hehe

and its not a problem im always here to help out in anyway i can. the site seemed like a good idea and worth the time to make it and help bring it up. im working on it now and should be up really soon… hope alot of people support it as its a benefit to everyone in our community.

we will keep you posted…


me so sorrie me chian man

i actually talked to him tonight, he seems to have a good idea what he’s talking about too. regardless of which, i can fill you in on details if you’re going to cscs since i’ll be there. if not then just pm me and we’ll trade msns

forums are up but need some finishing touches.

and our offical garage and sponser is JDM-Imports.

Mitch has stepped up to the plate and offered all of his servieces to get our site reconized all accross ontario.

MItch has also put up his N1 as a track/show car along wiht someotehr goodies soon to come.

Also, the take it 2 the car is getting tuned and fixed up by Mitch today.

Tim Hortens on Lawrence and Jane is also Sponsering us, but details are not comfired with at the moment.

can all of the members that i met today pm me plz jsut to get ur info. thanks

If I may humbly add my $0.02…

First, the idea is good. A place for information, discussion, etc on the street racing problem…

However, could you clarify your position from the get go…what is this website meant to achieve? And how are you going to market it? There are existing websites, communities and organizations who are already attempting to “take it to the track.” There are the CASC-OR forums that promote legal sanctioned races. There are race events such as CSCS that provide a venue to “prove it to the track.” and so on so forth…

So what will set this one apart from the rest?

We will have the support of all local regional police departments & lots of etablishments since we are talking to lots of places we going on the regular… and they all support the idea since there is a lot of buzz.

second, we will be teaming up with a few people on the petition for a drag strip in t.o.

third, the more people that join = the more noticed we get. We’ have been talking around and free track days are definetly in the future.

4th , we want to have everything located in one place.

Legal information in ontario, all the media buzz, local support , and much more

I just got back in toronto and im really tired… ill come back tomorrow and talk it out some more

If you have any questions or comments please head to:

Okay, let me put it this way…how is this different from P.A.C.E.R.?

isnt pacer run by the police?

Takeit2thetrack is made by enthusiasts who drive modified vehicles to get the word out that just becasue you have a “souped up” car doesnt mean your a wreckless driver i.e. you dont street race.

all other sites try and get track days etc and make some kind of profit from it. this site is made by us and iwe dont care for profit. we already have some free track days etc lined up. alot of people talk about this and that and try to change somthing or laws when we actually are getting track days for people and not charging anything because everyone is in it for somthing. but this benefits us all… this is where we can talk discuss anything we want related to the situation and come together as we should… but i guess honda people are abit diff … the whole point is to get everyone in the car comunity together and try and show people that not all of us are what they say we are… Try and tell people that street racing isent cool and if you want to show it bring it to the track its free… … my 2 cents i can go on but i wont.

come to the site and check it out.

justa click isnt benefitted by money

we get benefits if we bring larger amounts of people to the track than normally

get up on the forum and support us!