tnc yorkdale meet raided.

hahaha thats chilling

im a for sure go i dont care abt other ppl so i will refuse that from making me not go… eventually they will get the point ppl wont go wow when u drift into a mall parking lot full of cops, they just goign be like get the **** out of here…

It was a sweet meet from what I heard but many complaints and well Yorkdale is no go. The cops ya never bothered me but I heard they raided the area. It was basically move from one spot to the next.

I went and it was a pretty good turnout, till the 300zx came. Made it bait and pissed me off cause I knew Cops would be eyeing me since i’m TRItone.

Good thing is I never got trouble so it’s all good.

I hope that guy learned his lesson…

That sucks - I turned around half-way up the garage when I saw some cars leave. I was going to drop off a deposit for you for some tires.

i saw him surrounded by 3 cruisers in the underground when everyone was trying to leave

oh shit, sorry man. I didn’t know anyone was prepared to do so.

PM me for other details to make a deposit. I can do EMT or cash meet up anywhere near Mississauga.


all I’m saying is that I can’t afford ANY ticket whatsoever

Man, nobody was gonna give anyone a beat down. There was talk, but nobody even went up to the guy to say shit. Zep finally went and talked to him about it, but everyone else was just talking smack and being a vag in reality. A lot like how we do on forums normally.
I got stopped by a cop when I was leaving, said he loved my car and wanted to know how they are in winter cause he wants to buy one :smiley:
Went to Commerce to get food, and when I was done eating, pretty much everyone that was at yorkdale was there. Someone said something about how cops were on their way, so I just took off to take some pics. Not a bad meet though, just not very organized.

:Di was there the whole time he ****ed up everything the meet was going great untill he showed up. after that everone just left not knowing were to go, i personally went gave up and went home

lets not attack the wrong 300zx k :P, this was no where in site

I came late and missed all the yorkdale action, as i was coming in i saw some 240s leavin and just followed them to home depot which also broke up shortly when someone yelled cops. I just kept followin sum 240s on the 401 to kennedy commons then went to commerce & hung arnd till everyone was leavin.

well heres the scoop. i was there from start till “finish”. when i first showed up there was only a handful or cars which were pretty sweet in my opinion. some tastefully modded 240s a 600hp 300zx and a couple pretty sick 350s. where we were located was fairly small and we got the word there were ppl up on the top floor of the parking garage.
we all went o the top floor ans things were sweet. a few S1DC guys were there and overall id have to say the quality of cars was pretty impressive, then the problems arrive.

to start, there were some dude in a altima with air ride jus pumping the tunes and randomly reving there motor which of course attracted mad heat. and then as previously stated there was the asshole with the off-white 300 who decided it would do cool to do a shitty ass donut…which of course was the last straw for security. as far as the driver goes im almost certain he was brown. nothing against brown ppl, but im just calling out the driver of the 300 because he ruined a perfectly good meet with lots of CLEAN rides.

anyways, thats my perspective, feel free to chime in if you were there and you dissagree

btw. yes there were cops everywhere and thanks to that fuck head in the 300 everyone had their liscence plates written down. and if im not mistaken, that same asshole is the one that did a donut and plowed into someones car last year

here what happened!! the meet was going fine, alot a cars showed up, and TNC talked to security and the cops to say that we would be meeting there… security came by no issues… then after awhile a 300zx(loverboi on the plates, young brown guy) did a 180 and then after that zep told everyone to leave to avoid hassles and meet at the Home Depo!! cops was there due to something else that happen last week (i believe a stabbing), then ppl was just trying to leave and cops surrounded the 300zx for the stunt… and ppl left!! after home depo some ppl went to KC and others to CG!! TNC staff had everything good till that stunt happened!!.. and Fobwall, not all cars was riced out lol

i drove from niagara to a meet that was plannde perfectly fine with no hassles until an idiot ruined it all.

the end.

P.S- he owes me gas money

timmys wednesdays

haha I was working at yorkdale, my buddy in his skyline was there at the meet, I got in my subbie and started pulling out of the parking lot to head over, only to see cops, then i get a phonecall from him saying not to go up lol I drive back down, see two cop cars surrounding a white 300zx, then we went to home depot, then to CG where we proceeded to some yummy korean bbq

were u the guy with the Giant Dane??

here is the schoop but before i start… solarian i was talking to the officer who liked your car… hes like hold on a second that car is fuckin sexy ill be right back… lmao…

ok now the story.

Kazz and myself organized the meeting at yorkdale mall with head manegment and head of security we had full permission from everyone even the police where notified to let us be. as most people saw me during the meet talking to the police in the cruiser and security on a regular basis.

first we had some dumbass in a honda (not with TNC or anyone else) just some random ricer reving his POS accord and we asked him to leave.
We had over 50+ cars and people show up the meet was getting huge! then after about an hour we started to hear reving and tire screetching in the lower level parking lots. so i asked everyone to get in the car and get ready to leave. because i knew for sure we where going to have problems with security etc. then all of a sudden a white 300zx came out halling ass and does a 180 like a dumb fuck that he is. security lady comes out like wtf so i had to talk to her 5 seconds later like 10 cops on foot come out of the mall rushing to see wtf is going on and cruisers…

The point is the cops had no problems with TNC it was because of the guys doing stupid shit in the parking lot and the 180 burn out. (non members of TNC) the officers after talking to them after everyone left said that the week before somone got stabbed and thought, do to the imature manner these guys where driving thought it was a retaliation etc etc. so thats why they rushed the way they did.

We had 100% permission from the mall and everyone else. but because some people cant seem to understand that showing off is stupid and you look like an idiot specially after getting everyone kicked out and fucking up the meet. itll be hard to show your face at a meet again.

the 300zx owner got booked and a few tickets given to him. so hopefully he learned his lesson that we really dont give a shit about burn outs, everyones mom can do them its no big thing.

but thanks to those who respected the rules posted on the site. and vizion and ur guys thanx for comin down and sorry for the bullshit… cant control every idiot.

PS: bounty we know it wasent you your car dosent even run … no worries… and if you dident know in that pic man no ones driving WTF !! scary…

That was us! His owner was the tall guy who was holding him though. He comes to all of our track days. Hes the man and he gets the ladies. He has a name you know… atticus!