tnc yorkdale meet raided.

i like how they think we had an organized meet and we were all gonna street race after.

fools. They make it sound so good so they can justify eating donuts 99% of their shift.

I heard it was 7 skylines that got pull over!! is it true?

is this the incident with the 7 cars impounded?


all the name listed seem brown

tisk tisk

LOL racism is bad, didnt you know that? What a bunch of sensitive boys. So somebody states the obvious and he gets shit on, is this what the world come to?

so people know the skylines had nothing to do with TNC. if they where coming to our meet or not no idea, and i really dont care, if you race your are stupid enough to get cought.

shit will never change so i dont see why they care so much. nothing people can do.

lol fiddy your the biggest ricer of them all… :wink:

yes racism is bad, and the truth hurts

just pointing it out, you dont see any ‘allen smiths’ on there

but that is niehter here nor there

FYI for clarification… I spoke to one of the Skyline individuals charged and another Toronto Subaru Club member who happened to be in the area and witnessed the entire event…

THERE WAS NO STREET RACING! They were targeted because they were driving in a group… These guys were made an example of due to all the crap that went down in the evening.

Read the police report… the assumed that an organized street race was going to take place… How can they assume that a bunch of guys leaving a meet together are going to street race???

They were not clocked on the radar and was charged with the stunt racing law because there was no proof of anything; only an assumption of guilt due to the cars driven. One of the individuals charged was driving a Toyota; he was not even with the group of Skylines.

This is a problem for all of us, where at any given point of time; the police can assume a group of similar cars driving on the road are going to commit a crime… What ever happened to being presume innocent BEFORE proven guilty?

Alot of these posts automatically assumed these guys are guilty… That’s just as bad as the police!

The sensationalism of the media has gotten everyone on edge; and it’s not going to get better unless we work with law enforcement and politicians to show them that just because we have a sports car/modified car, it doesn’t mean we are criminals!

for the record, anyone who knows me knows im not racist. i just felt like being a shit disturber.

and now for your point ^^^^
im not saying they werent street racing, because your right, they werent, and assuming they were getting ready to is nonsense, i agree.


an unmarked cruiser followed and watched them fo unsafe lane changes, in excess speeds, ect ect

makes sense to me that they be charged with stunt driving.

still, with that said, were they targeted? yes, absoleutly.

a meeting of dodge caravans that was revving motors and sqeeling tires (and in the end leaving in a group) would not have gotten the same treatment.

but life is unfair, its just how it works.

when you drive a sportscar like the ones pulled over, you know there is inherent risks involved and as such should be repsonsible.

and blaming the whole thing on bad policing is also nonsense.

they are hired to serve and protect the public, not to take out personal vengence and adhere to hidden agenda’s to bring down certain groups that the media makes out to be seen as bad guys.

the majority of cops i know are cool guys. maybe its a niagara/gta difference thing.

This new street racing law crap is a violation of our charter of rights and freedoms. ill explain how later, but im really waiting for someone with enough financial backing to sue.

sue who and what for?

the police for wrongful accusations?

all i have to say is good luck, it would never fly

ontario government, police etc. especially if youre “convicted”.

This law requires no material evidence whatsoever and you can be convicted on suspicion for street racing or stunt driving. Hell making a quick lane change is considered stunt driving now. but the fact that it requires no material evidence is a violation of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I love how everyone bends over and nobody contests this bullshit. We live in one of the softest countries in the world, and the people here would rather let the government rape us than say something.

Bill 203 is bullshit, this provinces roads and laws are bullshit, the drivers in the province are bullshit, the licensing system in this province is bullshit, the policing in this province is bullshit.

Thank you!!! Some of you guys make me laugh, you think it can not happen to you!!!. The cops said they were weaving in and out of traffic, please I do not beleive that. Can a cop stop a group of people, let say a Blacks of the assumtion that they are going to commit a crime. NO NO, so why can they do this to tunners?

WE NEED TO STAND TOGETHER!!! They were not racing!!!

Tell me this, why was the undercover car going over the speed limit with out his lights and siren on.

I am with you. I am not lossing my FUCKING car off of assumtions.

Another thing regarding this. What evidence to they have for the public to see? Nothing, the police can make up whatever story they want just to lay charges on you, take your car and money and ruin your driving record, all in an effort to win votes. want to win my vote? stop the drugs, crime and get stupid drivers off the road!!!


i wont contest with you that the laws are strict

im sure one or two of those charged will be fighting the charges, because they are not going to look good on those people records for future licensing and insuracne purposes.

i’de fight it, but its pretty much word against word. dont know how far it will go in the courts.

im getting more info as we speak so ill be able to go into detail about it.

^^^ some of the views expressed above are very cynical

you truly believe that the cops charged these guys for absolutely nothing except to bring them down in a vigilanty style because they are perceieved as street racers?

none of us were there, so im not going to say they were or werent charged justly.

yesterdays history and tommarows a mystery. no sense arguing.

im saying it was a possiblity, and given the circumstances, its more than likely that thats the case. I know its easier to target a group of cars rather than single cars. Id like to here from one of the convicted though.