To all Shift518 Dads

Dude, that does sucks.

The problem with a lot of teachers and schools is that try teach kids what to think, not how to think. What works for math and science where there is usually only one right answer, does not work for everything and everybody. That and they always try to push their viewpoints onto naive children. It only gets worse in college. My economics professor last year was trying to tell the class how great France is economically, and I said “if they’re so great, how come their broke like everyone else?” He went onto to essentially describe their socialist views and why they’re “great for the country.”

I was in a debate the other week about the “Schweddy Balls” ice cream where this one mom argued her head off that she shouldn’t need to explain to her kids what it means and then pulled out the “it takes a village” card. Bull fucking shit it does. It pisses me off when you see these kids running arous acting like cock suckers and see their parents doing nothing to help correct their child’s attitude, like it’s not their responsibility. If you learned to be a good parent and didn’t have such a liberal viewpoint on discipline for your own DNA, it wouldn’t take a village to raise YOUR fucking kid.

Fucking progressives…