To all Shift518 Dads

It’s pretty sad to see some good people I went to high school with come back from college with a complete 180deg look on life and politics. :Idiots

I was baby talked a lot when younger. Big reason I still drive a 4-cyl.


I was beat up when I was a lil guy. Ima hard ass hard body mothafucka like SRSBZNS

Thanks for the heads up, glad I can count on shift to help me raise my kids!


I dropped a rock on my moms face when I was small. I DON’T TAKE SHIT FROM NOBODY.

School of Hard Knocks *****.



I hate it when people talk to their dog like that too

you’re going to die a miserable lump of flesh.

Understand and Agree with you 100%… My dad never hit me spanked me etc, they were real with me let me make my own decesions and fuck up on my own, always trusted me to make the right decesion, my dad only had to lay his hands on me once when I fucked up pretty good, took me by the throat, lifted me up on the wall and asked me WHAT THE FUCK I WAS DOING

First/Last time my old man ever had to lay a hand on me and from that point on I talked to him about everything that was going on with me and kept myself from fucking up

Not that I necessarily want my daughter having a bad mouth, kids are going to swear, their goign to pick it up one way or another. Long as they know when its okay and when its not and how to shut their mouths when their supposed to thats all that matters. I started swearing when i was really young i hung out with ball buster like you when I was younger and I was a lot liek your kids are now, but I knew when to keep my mouth shut and when it was “okay” I’d say i turned out to be a pretty good person now a days and I’d like tot hink im a great father and will be. I think your a great dad meatpaws, your kids seriously are awesome.

Haha not at all. I’m sure il end up getting married… but I have no intentions on it as of right now. I have heard so many stories about divorces and other nightmares… makes me want to just be the cool uncle for the rest of my life.

trust me, ive said that on several occasions. LIFE DOES NOT CARE WHAT YOU WANT. Life just happens.

I just hope shits good in the long run.

well, like a ship, if life goes off the course you envisioned it being on, make the necessary corrections to get it back on the path you seek.

This thread full of win.

My daughter talks to me on a 6th grade level at times, and she’s not even five yet. Baby talk was out the door before her first year was over. She walked into daycare beginning of last year, pointed at teachers crotch and said, “you have a vagina” while I was signing her in. Burst out laughing in the hallway.

Il just have to see what happens with all that shit… I’m focused on figuring out a career path for now.

Dude, that does sucks.

The problem with a lot of teachers and schools is that try teach kids what to think, not how to think. What works for math and science where there is usually only one right answer, does not work for everything and everybody. That and they always try to push their viewpoints onto naive children. It only gets worse in college. My economics professor last year was trying to tell the class how great France is economically, and I said “if they’re so great, how come their broke like everyone else?” He went onto to essentially describe their socialist views and why they’re “great for the country.”

I was in a debate the other week about the “Schweddy Balls” ice cream where this one mom argued her head off that she shouldn’t need to explain to her kids what it means and then pulled out the “it takes a village” card. Bull fucking shit it does. It pisses me off when you see these kids running arous acting like cock suckers and see their parents doing nothing to help correct their child’s attitude, like it’s not their responsibility. If you learned to be a good parent and didn’t have such a liberal viewpoint on discipline for your own DNA, it wouldn’t take a village to raise YOUR fucking kid.

Fucking progressives…


Yes I stuttered

OMG Adam, my daughter did pretty much the exact same thing at the store. Walks up to lady “You have a Po Po” :rofl