To ditch AC or not...

Sure do… maybe I should just get rid of those too! :wink:

Honestly 90%+ of the time I have the windows down in this car anyway. The only times I have it up are usually leaving the AutoX venue I go to that’s in the valley of Central Cali. It can be 115+ so after a day in the sun racing/working the course it’s nice to be cool on the way to the hotel/home.

The car won’t get DDed. I take it to work on nice days, I drive it on the weekends, and I race it. It’ll be very rare that I’d be stuck in traffic in the heat. If I’m going to a racing venue it’s usually at the ass-crack of dawn so it’s cold/cool. If I’m going home from racing it’s late afternoon/evening so it’s cooling off. And I make sure to avoid bad traffic areas during commute times to preserve the clutch.


Thanks for the compliment. I wouldn’t call taking the AC out “gutting it” though. I’m not ditching the stereo, any of the interior pieces, or even the extra dyna mat in the “trunk” area… yet.

Even if I did get ass with it idling we’d both pass out before we could finish from the fumes.

I don’t daily drive it, ever. Lexo FTW.

No, no no. It’s not like your spring/summer here 300+ days/year. It’s better. If it’s 90 degrees here it’s not humid. There it’s 90 degrees and 90+ humidty. :moon: