me and my friend bought a 92 240sx for about $3000 three months ago
but then in 3 months we already spend over 2000 on fixing/repairing it
(front break,rear break, steeling arm, fuse box, exhaust …etc)
our plan was to invets 15000 in total slowly to “build” a good, fun, enjoyable car… since we really love the “pop up” headlight :oops: and the feeling of driving it :roll:, do u guys think is a good idea to put another 10k to fix the frame and get new engine, suspension, brbrbrbrbr, and all other mods for the car ?
we should do as my uncle said “work ur a$s of and save more money, get a good condition import GTR from japan, so then u guys don’t have to spend that much money only on ‘repairing’ it” ?
yeah i agree with benson, this is your own car, you should be doing the thinking for yourself, you don’t need to rely on peoples opinion on what you should do. do some research read the threads people have made.
overall there is just too much clutter on son nowadays with these “what i should do?” type of thread.
if u want to spend 15,000 in total, you don’t really need opinions from us, cause your simply a baller.
dont do that, a well built GTR is no where near as nice to drive/race as a well built s13…if i was spending over 15G - id go S13/s14 for sure…however, stock for stock. …ill drive the gtr for sure.
[quote=“JDMpanda”]you don’t really need opinions from us, cause your simply a baller.
[quote] first , we work hard for the money , and we doesn’t have it is a long plan. godish we been eating instand noodles for months !
coz they are no easy money … so need to listen more from others to spend it safe… other then waste them, that’s y i post , ask , and listen^^
thx for every one’s idea anyway ^^
keep it going !
is it hard to get a good condition s13 , with not so over price ?
i know this is stupid qustion, but for a 16 years old car , it is really hard to find right ?
I would keep driving the car as it is and stop spending money on it. If and when your car rots to the point of it being unsafe then just import a rust-free chassis from the USA and swap over any valuable parts. The good thing about owning a S13 is there are hundreds… maybe thousands of rust-free examples in Cali and the southern states just waiting to get imported up north LOL.
Saving your money and buying a GTR as a daily doesn’t seem logical as you say you’re working hard for your money and living off ramen. Unless, you want to live off ramen forever.
thx for the idea man , but i know no one live in U.S …
how sould i look for a car there ? is there any impoter here near toronto?
is the transaction hard ?
noob mistake ><
didn’t check it undercar well , since my friend said it is just “a little rust”
learn lesson from check every thing b4 u get the car even from friend XD.
well not that super bad i think the shop said about 500 in total to repaire the rust part ><
man if you dont know how to check the car for rust, you shuoldnt be doing something like this, you and your friend will become enemies and then one will murder the other for the car, sell the thing, split the cash, wait and buy and mint 240 with NO rust and pos engine, work on it yourself and learn whats the best value and whats the best performance, jdm knockoff parts are often shit, learn to identify that, do it as your own project, one of youw ill crash it, and the other will cry, you will lose both friend and car, if you dont know what your doing just buy a gtr, if you want to learn get yuor own s13… good luck…
in regaurds to a gtr, if you want one, you’d better get it fast, currently the western provances have adopted new polocies that make it impossible to an imported vehicle without making it compliant.
headlamps/tail lamps, windsheild not DOT aprroved, MUST NOW BE DOT. Day tim running lights and side markers.
I have also been told recently that the ontario MTO will NOT accept cars without 17 digit vin’s now. THis would mean incurring another added cost to apply for a new vin…this i do not yet know of how to do in ontario.
But the point is, that the provances have noticed the influx on imported grey market vehicles and doing somethign about it. It will not be long, i say 2 years max before the 15 year law changes.