To: Osad, because you were a baby

Yarr, that be the place I bought my G at. Unfortunately, John was already gone by then, I’d never buy from there again lol…

Prestige Motors?
That’s where I got the IS

Oh that was YOU at the track? I didn’t know man, I was the big Jewish kid with curly hair LOL.

Yeah, once I saw all the Jewish comments of late I kind of figured it was you.

You smell funny.:wink:

You’re gay. :wink:

Yes please? :moon:

Woot woot!

It’s the gay train, SON climb aboard.


i love you cal :frowning:

why are you guys such fags?

Yea, they tried stealing my wheels, they broke one of the window rails causing a $300 repair bill at Infiniti, scratched up the tint on my passenger window, scratched my rear bumper, and put like 50km on the car while I left it there for service (I always write down the mileage when I leave my car for service anywhere).
They ofcourse denied all of it. It’s very hard to argue with a “No we didn’t…” when you’re fed up with their BS and you just want to take your car and never go back there.
EDIT: They also scratched the shit out of the bottom of my door panel.

Last time I was there (3-4 years ago) there was a Ferrari in the showroom… sweeeeet. I was too young to really care what model, but I believe it was the owner’s or something.

That Ferrari 360 Modenna I believe, was still there when I baught my car.

With mine, they somehow lost the front floor mats.
There is marks on the rear bumper from them parking it too close to other cars.
The shift knob somehow got replaced with some gay CT one, and when I asked them to put to OEM one on they said it would be another $80. I said fuck that and bought a Razo which looks the same as OEM for 60.

Not to mention that I traded in my Legacy which they held for a few months trying to sell. (They were going to give me a check once it sold - 10% which they would keep). They eventually got rid of it but only gave me 2000 out of the 4000 asking price because apparently it had a bad piston and there were rattles from the exhaust.

I said whatever just give me my money.

Yea, I’m glad I didn’t leave them my Solara to sell now that I’ve heard that, they probably would’ve scammed me on that too. I’m glad that I got a good car, for a good price, but fuck… they did absolutely everything they could to rip me off and make me never want to go back. The times that I left my car for service, they held it for days without doing anything to it, just because I had already bought it, and they were “being nice” by fixing a little issue for me. I lost it on their service manager Sven, more times than I can count. The last time I was leaving, he had the audacity to suggest I should bring the car there for anything I need done, and that they would “take care of me”. Funniest thing is, he used tints as an example of things they could do for me, and I said: To replace the ones you scratched to shit?
We were having this conversation after an argument in which I demanded that they give me back my car before they do more damage to it, and I was in their parking lot, in the driver’s seat with the window down, because he stopped me to tell me this. I didn’t say anything after the jab about the tints, and I gunned it out of the parking lot with him still standing beside my car, leaving some nice tire marks to remember me by.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Suckers! …No seriously I feel sorry for you guys, it sounds like shit they would do. And yes the answer is always “no we didn’t or it was like that!” Hahahaha it sounds like one of the owners. That’s why Im no longer there, 8 years was enough. Actualy it was good at first, but since they reconstructed the company 2 years ago, that place started going to shit and that is why I left last February…and it was the best thing I ever did, now I am self employeed, traveling and loving it!

Anyway…my advice for anyone who get’s the run around from a dealership… I got 4 letters for you OMVIC. (Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council) (416) 226 4500 they will help you out, free of charge and for any reason.
Also UCDA (Used Car Dealer Association) (416) 231 2600 ask for Jim Hamilton …they will also help you out but see OMVIC first.

I am at the other side of the world and still giving people on SON free advice LOL…and good advice that is!

4 letters?


Quite possibly the best post on SON ever!

This thread is also a top 5 contender for sure!
