to the 3 squids on walden

lol, DEFINITELY not!

ill txt ya right now

Is riding a sport bike in traffic even that much fun?

*gasp :ohnoes: oh… my…god.
no way. thats crazy!

lol how many tires you been thru this year j?

i was gonna say, he wasnt harming anybody except for his own tire :tup: to him

im still on my original Pilot Power. I got 2900 miles on it and its still in good shape. i dont do burnouts, they are too expensive for me lol but i laugh when others do

p.s.- if this weather ever gets decent we need a NYSpeed bike meet.

Definately gotta set that up :tup:

hah was that you? main and transit?

:picard: :lol: no it wasnt me. i was being sarcastic.

damnit, i guess you guys caught me :frowning:

I really wanted to be snky with the whole purple jacket thing too

again, not all people on sport bikes act like asshats

I see just as many idiots/careless riders on harleys and cruisers…

no you don’t

:lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:

I can honestly say that I’ve never had a cruiser pull up next to me and instigate a race, nor ripped wheelies @ 75mph in heavy traffic. Never seen one weaving through traffic between lanes almost taking off side view mirrors.

I have seen quite a few block lanes though, which is almost MORE annoying when you’ve got somewhere to be.

Nobody is saying that all sportbike riders are reckless, but it is the vast majority (that I’ve seen at least)

Oh trust me Im not defending the sportbike crowd, 90% of them suck hard.

But I see the same shit in cruisers all the time. Swerving in and out of traffic like retards, leaving the bars shitfaced and doing smokeshows, sitting at lights revving the piss out of the siq v-twin, etc etc.

Rocket squids just make it more obvious by doing 100mph wheelies.

It’s pretty safe to say 75% of motorcycle riders in general are shitty

I had a guy on a cruiser pull up next to me on union road, at the east and west intersection. It was a red light. he pulled up next to me, i’m in my car, he starts revving the shit out of his bike. He was typical leather vest with no shirt, mustache, and brain bucket.
Ok cool, it’s two lanes there. I’m in the right lane… and he was on my right side. Yup, pulled up on the shoulder to race. Light turned green, i didn’t encourage him at all. He did a burnout out, almost lost it (probably because of all the gravel on the shoulder), LUCKILY gained control after dragging his feet and took off. If for whatever reason i decided to humor him and would’ve accelerated aggressively, he would have crashed right into the side of my car.
I have no idea why he wanted to race me in my audi anyway… Maybe he had something against german cars? Who knows. Most likely; he was a tool.

On the other hand, 3 guys on sport bikes passed my sister a few days ago on powers road. They we smart enough to not take oncoming traffic into consideration while passing. My sister and the oncoming car were nice enough to spike their brakes and dive to the shoulder to give those retards the room they needed to live.

A bike is a bike, a car is a car, morons can be permitted to drive either.

I’m ashamed of the amount of weepy vag present in this thread. If you’re going to make a complaint against someone; cowboy-up, call them out and make the complaint. If not you just sound bitchy.

LOL :word:

its no one on here nobody knows, trust me. im not posting the name out of respect for my passenger since he does not get invloved.

paul that that doesn’t make no sense. :wink:

not at all. it’s uncomfortable and it makes me nervous. luckily, i’m rarely on the road during high traffic times.

if you say its someone on here and bad mouth them and dont say there name. i classify you as a pussy :slight_smile: