To the asshole on XXX...

I cant believe someone in their right mind would fuck with a biker like that. Wayyy to risky. The deserved more than a cracked windshield, thats for sure.

I have an idea for an invention.

If I made triangle magnets you place on your bike with different saying on them such as “Fck You" and "Eat Dck” would you buy them?

They wouldn’t be for “throwing” legally, but they would be ergonomically designed for throwing.

Get a pl8 #? anytime someone screws with a biker they deserve worse then a broken window.

good fuck those kids…really good for you

No plate number unfortunately, I was so fuming angry at the time I honestly couldn’t think.

Btw windex apparently cleans EVERYTHING, though the thought of having someone elses vile tobacco juice all over me gives me the shivers. Ughhh.

I’m taking a guess they didn’t have full coverage on the truck because it was surely a pile of garbage, so a cracked windshield would definitely set them back some valuable change, and well deserved too.

I just would like to know their thought process in doing such random douchebaggery, I was not speeding, I was not swerving, I was basically riding like a damn boy scout cuz I needed to get back to work in one piece.

Momma and Daddy really brought up some fine upstanding and responsible young men… :rolljerk:

they were prolly drunk

hahah the good old change trick… ive done it once or twice in my car… the one day i had something like that happen to me except it was a cigarette so i pulled infront of the guy after he threw his cigarette hit my car and then came in and thank god for t tops , i just threw a handful of pennies up in the air and took off.

Pieces of shit, well they got 1/2 of what they deserved.

I know they where swerving at you and they problem would have it you but in these situations the fly by mirror punch works the best to get you message across, although the windshield is problem more expensive to replace.So good job !

Was it Don who used to (or maybe just talked about?) going to the rifle range on his bike? Rifle slung across his back while he was riding? He may have been on to something.