To the asshole on XXX...

Next time you decide to fuck around with a guy on a bike, make sure his pockets are empty.


While driving back to work from
grabbing my bike, I took the xxx thruway back and just after merging onto it, a rusty, beat, maroon Chevy S-10 pulled next to me, swerving back and forth in his lane, each time coming very close to me in my lane. His passenger then decided to laugh at me and flip me the bird for no reason but to aggravate me.

After several attempts at moving away from this idiot, I found myself next to him in the right hand lane, him in the center lane. His passenger had his leg out the window, dirty baseball cap backwards and nasty dirty feet swaying in the wind. I was just about to make my exit when the truck swerved at me again, this time within feet of hitting me. Now I was pissed, so I continued on xxx past my exit while next to this asshole to get his plate number, but as I slowed down to do so, this happened:

The passenger pointed, laughed and spit his chewing tobacco at me, hitting my visor, my windscreen and all over my jacket and tank! After I flipped my visor up to see and figured out what happened I was pissed.

This is where I had enough, I dropped a gear, pulled past the truck and reached in my left pocket. I happen to keep about $2 in quarters for tolls at all time. So…I pulled up and granbed a nice handful and whipped the change at the windshield, watching it crack and bounce off of the truck.

I then slowed down, flipped off the two punk asses and took my exit.

Next time you fuck with a guy on a bike, think twice. I hope your windshield is shattered you inbred motherfuckers.

Call me an asshole, squid or whatever you want, but I’ve had it with people this summer, enough is fucking enough.


Happy 4th of July btw.

Chewing tobacco is the grossest shit ever, I would be so pissed if someone ever spit that shit on me.

Wtf is wrong with people.Why would someone stalk and swerve at a biker

too bad you didnt have m80s in your pockets and some how was able to light them and you threw them and they instantly blew up as soon as it hit their truck

what fggts

:bigclap: they deserved that and more. glad to hear your ok

Glad you did it.

I would have LOL’d at him if he had an extended cab or such, and tried to spit shit at you, and it went out his window and got sucked in the back window and hit a guy in the back seat ;D

Because they are poor and jealous that he has such a fun toy and they don’t.

told ya you shouldn’t have painted your wheels gay silver.

you should have got the guys plate number, pulled over, called police…with spit still on your helmet, went to guys house with police and pressed charges.

( I believe spitting is a form of assault)

i woulda gone driver side and kicked the fuckin window in his face…

:lol: thats great

wore MX boots splitting lanes in CT on the supermoto, took out a few mirrors, and caved in a few doors/quarter panels.

Good for you. I can’t believe how ignorant people can be…

throwing change at them was hardly enough, to bad you didnt have a brick in your pocket. the sad part is they probably think its funny their windshield is broken

I’d say the win is inconclusive. If they happen to have glass coverage (unlikely) then getting free windshield replacement > getting nasty spit on you.


too bad ya didnt use sparkplugs, t-up

I thought you guys kept ball bearings in these cases