To the drifter at centenial park tonight.

ok all you haters.

  1. cops cant give you a ticket if they dont catch YOU doing it
  2. what are they guna do? pull you over and say “are you a drifter” say yes. they cant do ANYTHING cause why? they dident catch you.
  3. im not saying its not inconiterite to do it on sombodys street.
  4. all im saying is that if you wana do it in an empty parkinglot in the middle of bumb fuck nowhere be my guest.
  5. if your not doing it they why are you soooo woryed about it?

basicly all im saying is so ppl street drift? thats never guna end but if cops dont catch you doing it they cant do anything! i love when cops pull me over and harras me. cause i know they cant do anything about it what give me a ticket for somthing dumb like a loud echaust? so what. doing it near houses at 3am is not cool. end of story. doing it in a industral area where nobody can hear you/get hurt then i dont see the harm. whats guna happen? seriously.

yes whoever dose it near houses is dumb.

you guys need to relax a little bit. if your sooooo worryed about profiling then buy a mini van. christ

someone needs a hug.

take it to the track!

Beside my previous post - this is one of the wisest posts in this thread.

Yay for 63%! I was a little relieved since I didn’t ever go to tutorials to get that easy 15%.

Anyways, who cares about this CP fiasco. No one got hurt, the cops didn’t show up and I had fun lol. Isn’t that all that matters?

wow ur stupid.
you still dotn get the point?

I get the point. I just don’t give a fuck.

. . . .
its too early for me

he didnt do it in a place full of kids, he went and did it somewhere that was outta the way and so nobody can get hurt, except himself if he had something fail on the car!! im not going to say everyone use to, but most have practiced in the same manner… i know that he does not do it on public roads, where ppl can get hurt!!.. so come on pplz, lets chill have a BBQ, sing a song, for weeds smokers light one up, talk about how we beat on cars all day, watch family guy and chillax, let the police worry about pplz, thats what they get paid to do! you know what im saying… SO… this was brought to you from a born suspect… yes yes im a black guy!! lol <<— as per Fobwall’s comment earlier!! lol

so who wants to sing first!! lol

drift meet tommorow… 8am sharp any preschool parking lot!

hey ummm everheard of the criminal code of canada? dangerous driving is not HTA its its a criminal code offece , which sees no boundaries of streets or parking lots , kinda like killing someone , u cant just say the cop cant do shit becasue it was in your basement ,and the reason i give such a comparison, is becasue they are both indictable offeces , not summary offences, sometimes the dangerous driving charge can be a hybrid but… or a summary conviction but thats a whole other story i dont feel like getting into but u get the jist of it

hey ummm you ever heard of shut the hell up!! LOL im joking just messing with you Hector! you seem kool! anyways im not saying your wrong, im just going by what a cop told me in the past! thats all… so if you get if anyone happens to get a ticket dont say "… but nitescream said yada yada yada " ya feel me!!

i never said don’t ever street drift. lol.

me venting on someone is not gonna stop others from practicing or having fun on the street. no one will have the power to do that. not even the police, 50 cent, george w bush, the pope or whoever.
all i’m saying is take it somewhere ELSE. like far from any civilization where people can’t CLEARLY hear you screwing around with your driftmobile.

and no, i didn’t get ticketed but why would i want to even bother with the possibility of getting pulled over for something that i didn’t do? maybe some people seem to enjoy it because the cops can’t do shit but i certainly don’t.
you are right in the sense that the cop cannot give me a ticket for something that i didn’t do and something that they did not see me doing. but he can still give me tickets for exhaust, car being too low, etc…
i know i can fight the tickets but it’s just too much hassle. if i take time off from work to go fight them, who is going to reimburse me? NOBODY. so i AM at a loss if it does ever happen.

i’m not out to flame anyone but just venting on inconsiderate people who don’t care about others.

and if you were testing out your diff, that’s cool. like someone mentioned already, there are better places to test it out. hell i drive a 240sx too. we all love sliding around for fun… at approporiate time and place. cheers.

LMFAO,… was it a red s13 hatchback? thats auto, and has a 2.5inch exhaust? He lives near the park and isint too bright.

what he is asking kindly is to slide in front of his house and do donut on his driveway… that why he can monitor and judge ur drifting and appreciate it

Basically this should be the conclusion: The person who was drifting is a LOSER who thinks he can drift and should take it to track but I know he wont because either he cant afford it or hes just hurting.

lol this is funny. i love son.

lol … btw … what ever did happen to that “drama” section? Honestly, that was one of the things that really brought this forum to life. Real Cars, Real People, REAL Bullshit. ha, the good ol’ days :slight_smile:

Yay, talking shit is fun.

yeah i agree …

PS: why dont u stop by CP sometime , ill show u how to drive ur sr