To the hoodrats in N.F.........

my dad runs the hampton inn up there we know ur pain. he had this guy who kept snooping around the hotel for a week my dad ended up chasing him down rainbow blvd. anyways they finally got the guy arrested for tresspassing a week later he gets out and robs the place. the money he stole he went down the street and bought crack from a undercover cop. the other day i was on 27th street for a service call. some guy broke into the ladys house destroyed almost all her shit then jumped out the window and landed on the satellite dish.then the pos ripped the cables out. i hate the scum of niagara falls. oh the guy was her next door neighbor.



omg u are new hero

So how do you get tenants that won’t trash the place and will pay the rent in an area like that?


sorry to hear man. hopefully the bank takes care of it. that really is disgusting. what happened to the days when kids/teens would go play sports or ride bikes or swim or even play video games. no… now they have to go break windows and deface property for no reason to get their kicks.

fucking idiots. pieces of shit trash garbage mother fuckers. and fuck those little trash talking kids too, they all need a helluva good ass beating.


So how do you get tenants that won’t trash the place and will pay the rent in an area like that?


Not sure if it’s possible in Buffalo (I know it is elsewhere), but if you get people on assisted living where the gov’t basically pays rent, it’s a guaranteed check each month. They’ll probably destroy the place, but no worse than another person who’d be living there.

You didn’t expect this? Have you driven around that area :lol:


You didn’t expect this? Have you driven around that area :lol:


As far as the tenants are concerned there are a few things you can do.1 I can’t mention because it breaks some rules but the tenants love you for it and are very happy.2.Keep the rent very low so they don’t want to leave and if they know they are staying for the long haul they will take care of it a lil better.
Here is why I bought them tho for those curious :
Sale price 12,000 cash for both.
Rehab to have them rentable $5,000.
total price $17,000
They are all 2 bdrms/1ba…If I rent them for $275 a mo.(which is very cheap) that = $1,100 a mo.X12 = 13,200 a yr
taxes are 1,700 a yr and water should be about $1,500 a yr. totaling $3,200.Ins. $500 a yr. misc $600 a yr.
This now leaves me with a total yearly profit of about $9,000 a yr. Paid me back in full in 2 yrs.:bump:
Where this comes into being good is that $5,000 rehab = new toilets, faucets,$20 walmart ceiling fans,etc. and very little should go wrong for a few years.By then that area should be further into cleaning itself up and I can start raising the rent or just sell for $40K and I have $0 invested in it and if I’ve had for more then a few yrs I have made $$$ and still get the $40K.Real estate is the way to go peeps.some headaches yes but pretty easy cash.I actually have properties that I go to maybe 1 time a yr.

forgot to mention they all have hardwood floors, so no carpets to wreck.Just sand and restain if they wreck.Kitchen and bath$.39 stickies.Look new and nice for at least a year and you can do both rooms for $20.

Sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you’re cool with the risk. What happens if a tenant trashes a rental? Does insurance cover the rehab or is it out of your pocket?


So how do you get tenants that won’t trash the place and will pay the rent in an area like that?


he wont my dads boss owns most of the apartments behind there hotel they trash the area abandon the houses. they want to demolish and build a big parking lot

lol Dex, but still. Ill shoot em all




hahahhaha :lol:


because slapping a 9 yr old girl will do anything other than get you arrested??


leave this fucking site. you seriously suck


leave this fucking site. you seriously suck




leave this fucking site. you seriously suck


I got a better idea go fuck urself an shut the fuck up

Edit: or just ignore me but still STFU…thx for your time


I got a better idea go fuck urself an shut the fuck up

Edit: or just ignore me but still STFU…thx for your time



this change in weather is making everybody too uptight

my parents have some houses they rent out in the falls and they get shafted every time. People trash the houses,dont pay the rent, leave, dont cut their grass(so we get fined), they have had the houses for 20 years and the last few years its going down the drain. they are rehabing and selling them all.


to the tards arguing over slapping 9yr olds

i think those girls could post up a better intraweb argument. some arguments are funny, some involve .gif bitchslaps, others are completely not entertaining. come on guys, you can do better than that.