To the hoodrats in N.F.........
Don’t really have anything witty to say about it. :gotme:
There must have been a crease in his shirt?

EDIT: Hold on, the internet is sucking at the moment…

EDIT 2: Fixed.


I got a better idea go fuck urself an shut the fuck up

Edit: or just ignore me but still STFU…thx for your time


here it comes, just for the cry baby afrank


900 dollars is NOTHING to repair the stated damages… the bank would be foolish not to reimburse the money… i hope you are getting steal on this property hence why 900 would be a fair price… good luck

Well I wound up closing as planned and the scumbag bank pretty much said take it or leave it and btw we are keeping your $1,200 deposit as well.
As much as you or I would’ve liked to tell them what to do with the houses, for the long haul the $900 would seem petty.
I have a guy that will be doing the minor repairs tell me I can go to a glass place and they will give me panes of glass for like $5 ea cut to size.
I am going to rent at least one of them very cheap to at least get someone on the property.I may even do free for now.
See post in misc FS:

I’d advise you to not buy it I guess… haha

good luck… get somebody in there as soon as you get it fixed, id install motion sensored flood lights to aid in warding off scum bags…

That’s exactly what I was thinking.Great idea tho.Also If I could get a deal on the 2 houses through something like ADT for like $20 a mo. for each house may be worth it.Plus it might actually be a huge renting/selling point.Would only need it for the downstairs as well.

i have adt at my house and flood lights… unfortunately the car then became the main target when it wasnt in the garage… :(… thieves and vandals will always find a way… go with the alarm, go with the lights, talk to the neighbors, rent out the place, buy a nice insurance policy, not much else you can do… sucks that the bank wasn’t even remotely sympathetic… but business is business… im sure for the deal your getting on the house, if you were only looking for 900 in reimbursement, i doubt you are spending a fortune on this house, more or less another one of your investments… :tup: good luck karma is on your side

Probably going to just get one person in there cheap or free rent for now to keep an eye on the place.