To the morons who cased my father house tonight

We’ve only ever had one chainsaw stolen years ago. Another guy I know had one stolen as well and he actually got his back. I’m not sure where you’re located and I know you’re not interested in posting it so that’s fine, but this area is an awful lot like yours. Sucks that people have to go and fuck it up.

I never lock my doors when my dogs home and me and the wife leave. but when hes with us its locked
i live right on the sacandaga and we have break ins here to once and awhile. Hope u guys get them that shit is fucked up.

why the fuck would you just tell a bunch of random people your house is left unlocked?

Do you know where it is? I don’t. No one here knows where my farm is either…

Adam the problem is the cesspool across the river lol

truthfully its not hard to find out. All you gotta do is know somebody who knows somebody you know and people can find shit out.

Facebook is great for that type of thing.

I’ve driven by your house before, Paul.
You werent home.

see how easy it is? I never told you where I live but you found out anyway.

lol @ everyone saying they would shoot them. Good one.

Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.

There are maybe five people on my fb that know where the farm is. None would tell you. :lol Nothing in there but old shit anyways but it’d really suck to have someone tear through there looking for shit.

lol @ you.

What are you going to do, open fire on 3 people for trespassing? Have fun in Jail, Rick.

name, phone book, address, not that hard to figure shit out

Nobody uses a phone book anymore Pawl.

My name isn’t in the phonebook at that address and I have a different last name than the name at the address. :rofl

My buddy answered the door with his S&W 460 when some Jehovah’s Witnesses came one day. It’s safe to say he’s the crazy neighbor.

I take it he doesn’t want to drink their juice and get on the spaceship?

Thisshit is messed up. I live in the country about an hour from Albanyat this moment I have 3 quads a dirtbike a boat motor ATV tires and 2 cars with the keys in the ignition. Sitting outside. If I hear any kind of noise I’m outside barefooted in my short’s ready to beat the hell out of someon. I don’t care what kind of story they have I’m going to pummel someone and take the keys to there car and wait for the police. Fuck everyone. I HATE PEOPLE!!!

Steve you’re right, but they’re not only coming from that shithole but all over the damn place it seems.

I’m not actively pursuing these guys, that’s the job of the police who have all their descriptions, vehicle info, and at the least have the drivers/car owners information. Plus I have them on camera. I did my part, the sheriffs take it from here as they see fit.

New security system that’s replacing my current one is the tits. That’s all I’m going to say about it on here except that if you step onto my property uninvited, day or night, you’ll be fucked six ways from Sunday.