to the person that keyed my car and cut my top

OMG thank you for your brilliant ignorance! now i have a reason to get new paint and a hardtop. fucking prick(s)

On the S2000? Man, that fucking sucks. Sorry to hear.

yeah its horseshit. they were also kind enough to spit on it as well. i assume it was a jealous vette owner that saw my “corvettes are for senior citizens” sticker haha. i suppose i should just call the insurance company monday? i dunno ive never had to make a claim before.

EDIT: i’m so fucking heated.

doesn’t it make you mad when people ruin your shit? like you’re not supposed to have nice things? god i hate people sometimes, sorry to hear this man…

+2 man this world gets fucking scummier and scummier every day. :tdown:

hmmmm alot of this going on lately I suppose. Sorry to hear that.

Poor people: The real reason why we cant have nice things


edit: Didnt someone on hear say that a bill’s player parked there Ferrari in front of a bar or something and he saw like 3 different people spit on it or something? Fucking scumbags.

i always get the raw end of the deal. when i saw the key mark i wasn’t all that pissed because i work in a bodyshop but cutting the top really irked me. i think its veilside that has a real nice C/F hardtop that goes all the way to the back of the car/decklid. does anyone know if you can leave the convertible top in the car or does it need to be removed?

sorry to hear that brian

another + for pistol permits

what is up with people lately…fawk :tdown:

High school’s out so lil punk kids have the need to celebrate by damaging other peoples property.

wtf man! that sucks

where was it parked?

that was me, i parked it downtown for valet parking and 2 people spit on it.

that sucks to hear man, im so skeptical about taking anything i won out to crusie night, all it takes is one person to follow me home and then my shit will be gone. iv had a bad feeling the past couple of nights after seeing some suspicious activity around my house. lock yo shit up somewhere!

Stick with the OEM top. Everything else is very poorly made and finished in comparison. The Mugen/mooncraft top is sexy, but extremely expensive and not very nice inside.

With the OEM top, you can keep the softtop in. I don’t know about anything else.

the silver 360/f430 i think in front of cozumel. if thats the same ferrari i saw it almost get creamed by a big truck while they were trying to park it

i didnt park that one, i drove peerless prices Ferrari F430 right before he got his injury last year.

that sucks soo bad :frowning: sorry dude…

it happened to funkylemons s2000 too :frowning: assholes

Where was it parked?

Sorry to hear dude. If I ever caught anyone doing that shit I would pummel them. Even if it wasn’t my car.

What the fuck is with people? Such fucking pussies to have to fuck with a mans car but can’t say anything to their face. Fuckin losers. God I hate people. I’m very sorry about your car. That’s just so wrong on so many levels.

some people need a nice kick in the junk. Sorry to hear man.

Destruction of personal property make me so furious.

In my Mind it is equal to destroying part of your life.

your life=>Your time=>your money=>things you own=>your life